What a crappy finale

At the end of the finale, when Robert and Eric were talking on camera about "the journey that was the competition" I was thinking, "so, they're like supposed to be real boyfriends now and do all the things relationships entail?" For a split second, I completely forgot about the premise of the show and it was at that moment I realized just how ridiculous the whole concept is. What kind of relationship does one have when the relationship was a prize in a contest? That said, I'm still looking forward to next season. This show is great fun to tear apart. Until next season...


They have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. For it to be a final choice, Robert spent almost no alone time with Eric at all lol. I wouldn't be surprised if they fuqd a few times and called it quits. That's what they both wanted anyway, that's all they talked about, their attraction for each other.


I wouldn't be surprised if they fuqd a few times and called it quits.

Hahaha. That's probably the most likely outcome of the whole thing.


Maybe all of it will come out tonight at the reunion! See ya after the telecast! ;-/

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Can't wait. I'll be posting my snark as the reunion is on lol


Oh, I didn't know Robert had exposed his past in the finale! I missed the 1st half when he confessed to being an escort 10 years ago! So that won't be too much of an issue in the reunion with Eric and Brandon! Checking Wiki, Dillon quit huh? Well, where have we seen that before? Both Chad and Dillon were psychos going back to the early episodes! If you're that jealous, you can't handle all those others guys and the attention Robert was giving them! No wonder Chad stormed out! 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


I missed the 1st half when he confessed to being an escort 10 years ago!

I missed the part where he confessed to being an escort 10 months ago.

Oh wait, he didn't confess THAT part! 


Whoa, he was hooking 10 months ago? So that means he isn't with Eric anymore? Lol. Big shock


They weren't exactly holding hands on the couch! Eric seems a little aloof talking about getting to know each other and see where it goes! Robert used the terms "exploring" and "time will tell!"

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


This makes his choosing Eric even more bizarre. They looked like two friends sitting there, not a supposed couple. They aren't together. Trust me.


lol they *barely* looked like friends.

It was awkward.


absolutely. They looked like they were just playing this by ear and going through the motions that you have to when you do a show like this. Id bet anything they had sex a few times and ended it there.


They played it off better on "After Buzz" and used terms like "we" & "us" I think! Half listening and watching it now! I love the premise of the show, but it could have been done better; maybe showing more of what went on! We had to of missed out on a lot to compress days of footage in a 40 min. episode!  - (Posted it below if interested)

- - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmaNczM3Thg - - "After Buzz" Finale


The producers probably told them they need to sell it bigger. Thanks for posting the link.


This makes his choosing Eric even more bizarre.

Because he didn't pick Eric. Producers did.

People still think Robert had ANY saying in what was going on?
