
I may be one of the first to say it, but let me tell you I've dug all Harmon creations from Channel 101 on. There's something lost in translation between hearing a game unfold without a filter on a podcast versus editing it down to 22 minutes and hell maybe its just the animation style just isn't for me. I was a bigger fan of the parts where it was just people joking around the table, which, to be fair, isn't why the show was mase. Glad for those of you who like it, it just wasn't my jam. It reminded me of Drew's Green Screen Show, where the spontaneity was dampened by certain production aspects. I still support all things Harmon (love "Great Minds" as a contemporary to this show) or creative pursuits, so I hope I'll enjoy the 2nd season more and can go back and maybe delete this post.


laughed my ass off, this show is great, you are wrong.
