Is he dead?

Adam Yankovich of YMS has been among the best content creators on the internet. He does it all. He writes and sings, he poops and pees, and he knows what's up all of the time. Wonderful man.

But then... He vanished. He's gone. I can't find him anywhere. He's never on Skype, never at his house (believe me, I've checked, and when I get a response online I can;t help but feel it's not him. A video is released. It's... strange. It's not the same Adam Yankovich I know. This imposter says things that are just... wrong. I won't bother describing them.

I've viewed this lackluster IMDb page for no real reason several times, it's not like it has any good information on it or ever will, but that photo... gives me thoughts. It is a very sad photo, cropped very slim, it's sort of claustrophobic, especially being of Adam in a shower. It's a small environment and he;s hidden slightly behind the shower curtain. What gets me the most is the desaturation... It's black and white, and I thought... It's as if it's a memorial photo. It is one of a the most somber photo's I've ever seen. I'd believe it if I was told it was haunted.

I'm really choked up guys. I feel like I'm the only one who's noticed and feels these disturbing premonitions.... I have these dreams. Horrible, lonely dreams of some abandoned place. But not totally alone, in the distance I can hear horses. It is indeterminable just how far, or close, they are. It's as if, sometimes, they gallop around my head. To drown them out I sink into the cold water of the bathtub I lie in, my long black hair (not mine... Adam's)tumbles and drifts around. I close my eyes and try to wake up, I usually do. I am drenched in sweat and feel sick.

Finally, I decided to return here and at least offer something, as a fan. Someone who cares and is deeply concerned.

Please, someone tell me... I'm not the only one.


He updated his twitter 13 hours ago, pretty sure he's not dead.


You misunderstand, I believe he's been replaced. Maybe he's only changed considerably, but I sort of doubt that. I've followed Adam for years, I know what he's like.

To be honest I shouldn't have posted this at all, I didn't think about what could happen if the imposter finds this... He probably has already. But If something happens to me maybe I'll find out what happened to the real Adam. Like that movie The Vanishing, good movie. I must submit myself so I can know, even if for a moment and my soul can be at rest. And if there is life after death... I can meet him in Hell.

Let's be real here, Adam was going to Hell, nice as he is, as much as I love him, make no mistake, he's going to *beep* burn, and I will with him, oh yes, I will too. If doing bad things is what it takes to get me there, I will take it, as much of a sly chance as it is that Hell or Heaven exists. We will be spiritual warriors, of good or evil, waiting for when the imposter's time comes and he or she descends.

He/she will be annihilated. Wiped from existence, from non-existence. Poof.

Or not, who knows. Perhaps the real Adam is still alive and I can meet him... Perhaps save him... It is a possibility, my dreams are all too permanent and they premise that he is alive, though suffering.

As long as I can get to the bottom of this, to be a witness, I will be totally and utterly complete.


I think you are either a troll or you need help


If you think I'm joking I'll just stop talking to you.


For those who care... I have an update, some further proof that the new Adam is certainly different than the original.

Today he was playing the video-game SOMA on his Twitch live-streaming channel and we was killing the robots without talking to them first then proceeded to defend himself and mock the chat room. As he continued through the game he happened upon a human women being kept alive by a sinister parasite, she told him "don't hurt me". He pulled the parasitic plug of the electronic outlet, killing her without a second wasted in hesitation. I find this telling... in a more symbolic way, of what he thinks of the real Adam. Perhaps he has "pulled the plug" on him, perhaps this fraud is the parasite. We, his viewers, were distraught and distrusting of him. Some even pointed out the fact that Adam had changed or was replaced. I felt an overwhelming sense of comradery with these people, his fans who have known him for possibly as long as I have and now feel betrayed and wary towards the implications of the copy's awry morality.

However, this copycat does not make it completely easy to differentiate from the real one. During the stream he remarked about how he allowed (or not, in one case) the act urination inside of. This absolutely sounds like the Adam we love. The live chat believed him, in solidarity they typed "PEE RAPE, PEE RAPE" over and over again. However, these memories are stolen. Do not believe him, they are not his own experiences.

If the case was true that this is Adam--but changed, one could believe whatever comes out of his mouth. But I must remind any readers of my dreams. I am certain the real Adam is somewhere out there, suffering. The location remains the same, the sounds of the horses... the hair. But it gets darker... each time. We (or I, I won't presume too much) have to get to the bottom of this before it's too late.



The practice of gluing the performances of two different actors together needs to come to an end.


You are crazy


I've considered your opinion.

No, I don't think so. Just because I haven't saved Adam yet doesn't mean he isn't in mortal peril. Then again it may not concern his mortal form, perhaps his mind or soul has been taken or sealed away. Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of it.

Thanks for your support.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. The worst of the worst happened, but also the best.

I went into a coma.

I'm recovering but still feel very weak, all my energy has been going into writing down that long dream. The most frustrating part is that I've already forgotten so much. Hopefully what I have remembered will come together and the gaps will be easy to fill.

The coma my have been a blessing in the way of full access to that dream, without it cutting off too soon. But it was obviously an attack on my person, my spirit and soul. I've been found out and it will only get harder to find the whole truth of what happened to Adam and save him.

We are at the brink, the cusp, of where things change forever and I am both thrilled and scared of what I will uncover. The secrets the Earth holds will no longer be sacred, I will rape them and divulge them to its inhabitants. We deserve to know.


All right, here we go. I don’t need to recount the thoughts I’ve shared previously, but I will remind you that I was worried that my sharing of this information would attract whatever/whoever it was the captured the real Adam by his spirit or soul—or should I say spirit AND soul. Yes, it’s confirmed. It’s a sad state he’s in, even when I found the body there was still his essence, his spirit I had to retrieve.

My fear was true, as all are. Whatever it is you worry about will eventually happen, appear before you very eyes. I was alone in my house, masturbating, and I heard a noise over the Death Grips Bjork remixes I was listening to. I ejaculated quickly that over with and turned off the music. It is hard to explain the sensation I felt and the sound I heard. Nothing felt real, all fuzzy, and the sound, it was as if was deaf but feeling vibrations. To put simply, it was sort of like a stroke except not good. All light were off save my computer screen. I turned to stare and listen out the open door way behind me—yes, I masturbate with the door open, I piss and *beep* like that to, but this time I was indeed going to be caught white-handed.

A presence ascended the stairway to reach me. In the darkness a shadow appeared, unearthly dark, blacker than black. But the thing was telepathically clear, it was bright, whiter than white. Together these senses drove me of the edge and I came again. Don’t misinterpret that it was an inherently sexual feeling; it was just a context sensitive reaction. Every sense climaxed, I thought I was dead.

It was simply a coma I discovered when I came to, unless I am dead and nothings change, or maybe I was dead all along, or maybe we are all dead. Nonetheless, that doesn’t matter as there is more than one reality, dead or not, Adam’s soul is trapped somewhere else and it must be saved and but the imposter in its place.

While I was in a coma I had the dream I’ve had pieces of in full this time and the story was complete. It began where I collapsed in the presence of the imposter himself. In this unconsciousness, a new consciousness was born that allowed me to better understand the imposter’s form. It was the fake Adam, the one with the inconsistent release schedule, the one that *beep* dogs, the one that gave Paranorman a 3 here on IMDb. He was sinister, but his long, black hair comforted me against my will. It was a convincing fake. I was embraced by the hair and I couldn’t help but imagine that with was the REAL Adam and that this was his REAL HAIR. So beautiful…

Suddenly I felt wet and cold. I was in the bathtub and black hair was floating around. I grabbed my head and let my fingers run through the… black hair—I WAS ADAM. Not really though, don’t be confused, this is just a dream, but not really—you know what I mean. This was the dream I’d had so many times that I couldn’t help but feel that I WAS Adam, I was looking through his eyes after all, but now I was in control, I was lucid. I climbed out of the *beep* bath tub, my—ADAM’S pruned skin was uncomfortable. It had been months ago I had the dream, and if this was me POSSESSING him somehow it could be his MORTAL BODY. The water was clean and despite the intense prunage it was only a few hours’ worth of what soak. But I couldn’t possess his soul; I don’t think it works that way, a soul can possess a body but another soul? That’s some Satan *beep* Who was I? Was I me, or was I Adam? Is this his body, or is this his soul? If it was his body this would have to be in the past... or am I thinking to literally. It could be a vision of the past and the dream state made me feel that I was the conscious one behind Adam’s movements.

I think it was Adam’s consciousness I perceived, the will I felt over myself—his body—or his being was Adam and not MY will. And if Adam had been separated as body and soul, this dream was either BEFORE said separation and he was whole, or this was only his soul experiencing this other world tinted with bodily senses he had been conditioned to think and FEEL with.

I… ADAM turned, to see himself in the tub. It was the SEPERATION I was witnessing. But then Adam made a movement that I was not entirely synched with, I did not anymore more feel I was one with him, it was absolutely Adam’s will has he looked around hearing the horses in the distance. This was OUR separation. I was my own entity now, free to move and free to watch as Adam’s soul transformed into a horse ready to join the herd outside. He galloped through the walls of the strange, unfinished house. I followed slowly, taking in the inside, hoping I’d remember, but who was I kidding, I could never forget.

Outside we felt good and warm in the dream-sun. Suddenly I became so happy and star-struck that I WAS WITH THE REAL ADAM, WE WERE TOGETHER as INTIMATELY as we could be, soul with soul. Anxiety returned at the thought that perhaps I too have had a separation at the hands of the imposter. Still, I mustn’t forget my duty. I studied the house. It was small, two stories high, the second story was smaller than the fist. There was a shed connected at the side, the whole thing was slightly barn-like. There was nothing else around but the largest open field I’d ever seen lined with fir trees at the far distance. Those trees told me that this had to be somewhere in the northwest, possibly Washington, possibly British Columbia. His body wasn’t taken far and it was comforting to know that his soul was so close to him, just hidden in another dimension.

I woke; my hands were graciously washed of the nasty. I was in a location of a similar style Adam was left but simply left NEXT to the building are you *beep* KIDDING ME. The imposter left me out exposed to the elements! But my skin was still pristine and I was not covered in gross bugs or anything I must have been moved or something, I could have been in that building. It wasn’t a newish, unfinished structure that was abandoned; it was an OLDISH, unfinished stricture that was abandoned. Really creepy.

I wasn’t too surprised to see my own body still laying there though I was disheartened. It took an hours work but I was able to return to my body.
I wandered until I found civilization again. This was indeed Washington, very near the border to BC. It took a couple busses to get back to Seattle. I felt guilty leaving Adam out there but I had to come back to shut my computer down so no one would see my porn. I would come back for him as soon as I could.
I was shocked to discover a month had passed. No one was worried though because no one really likes me and my family pretty much disowned me. I think it was my MineCon days that did that. Or was it the Brony stuff? The furry stuff…? One of those things… or all of them. At least they didn’t see my porn.

Okay, so—get this. I was attacked again while writing this. The imposter was not happy that I escaped. He was probably surprised how alert and smart I kept myself as a ghost, most people end up like Adam I’m assuming, turning into a horse or something because of some degeneracy. Do you think a SPIRIT can be autistic? I think so. Anyway, I’ll have to get back to you guys ‘cause I’m bleeding out here.

See ‘ya!


You know… it’s a shame the YMS profile photo changed from what it originally was, Adam in the shower. It’s what helped spur me on this quest and now it’s been replaced. I don’t want to see the old Adam—the TRUE Adam—replaced. And now when people read this it won’t make as much sense when talking about that photo without having seen it. It was truly something. A cry for help.

I think the reason why I was so capable in the coma dream was because Adam so wanted me to see it. His horse spirit, though confused, cries for help, but help from what? It doesn’t know. But when my soul arrived it recognized a friend, a fellow degenerate.

So I told you I was attacked again. Not a coma attack but a REAL attack, like an ATTACK attack. There was lots of blood. He cut my legs and arms. Nothing to extreme, I’m fine, nothing I haven’t done myself before. I wrapped myself in my rare Johnny Test blanket tightly and let it soak the blood from my legs as I tended to my arms. As this went on I took the time to watch The Emigrants and The New World, both three and a half *beep* hours each, Jesus Christ. They were good though. It was cathartic to suffer along with that poor family despite what I may think of the Swedes.

By this time I was PREPARED to leave my house. I shut my computer down and brought some food and knives and *beep* close to where I had found myself. I drove around and around empty farm land looking for that wide expanse. If you MUST know, I was listening to Adam’s old songs I burned to a disk to get me in the spirit of the search and as a way to call out WHERE ARE YOU. To be honest it was tedious and I thought about giving up—not just talking about the music but also the whole driving around thing. It was time to go OFFROAD.

Driving through the fields was like that scene in the cornfield from Interstellar but with *beep* piano music. Some folk yelled at me and probably called the police but I was on a mission. I decided to drift closer and closer towards the boarder but not too close, that would be SUSPICIOUS. After a while I stopped the car to get out and scream and roll around because I was so bored and I felt like I’d never find him. But you would have thought that the place which brought out my outburst was the location I was looking for.

It would have been more emotional and spiritual to walk the rest of the way but that’s stupid, all my stuff in in the truck so I mowed through that field, blemishing the grass and wheat you my huge *beep* tires. O F F R O A D M O T H E R *beep* E R.

There was the house in the distance. I had to turn off the CD I was sick of it. Sorry, Adam, but it would have been no more special playing it than not. I was relieved and also scared. If I was to find his body there… It had been months since the first dream. It would not be worth inhabiting again if it had rotted. The doubts plagued my and I felt hopeless and that this whole thing was useless. I didn’t act soon enough, but how could I? By putting MYSELF in a coma purposefully?

I pulled into the shed, deciding to leave the truck running in case I or we needed to get out quick, and pulled out a huge knife to murder any nasty bitch that would try to stop me. Like the dream, it was a quit place and softly I could hear horses. I knew Adam’s soul was among them but until I knew the coast was clear in the house I didn’t dare call out.

The door had no handle, only a cork in the handle hole to keep it closed. I peered through the hole and into the house, didn’t look like anyone was there but I had the feeling in my got that the imposter would be there waiting for me, that is… if he wasn’t so busy taking forever to edit. It was a 50/50 chance. I yanked the cork out and silently opened the door, carefully making my way in. I peered up the stairs, no one was in sight put I felt as though someone HAD BEEN, sitting there for a very long time moping and waiting. I felt sad for this permeation. I didn’t go up the stairs as I knew what I was immediately looking for was down here, around the corner… There was no way I could have prepared myself for what I was about to see.

There was the bathtub. The water had all but evaporated. There lies Adam’s body limply and soggily. The flies had him now. In my shock I could not cry, only feel regret, guilt, and sadness.

I ran out to cry to the distant horse sounds “ADAM! ADAM! I’M… I’M SORRY!” The tears came and rolled with the sound of hooves.

In my sorrow I dug a hole to bury his body, a sat at the rim, staring into it, imaging myself falling into it in his place. Ultimately I didn’t burry him because I didn’t want to touch the gross bloated body or the rot water so the grave was simply symbolic.

So here we are now, the real Adam is dead, the fake Adam rated Citizen Kane 9/10 because of course he did, you can’t rate it any lower than that and have people believe you still have good taste or love movies. What a cheap thing to do to try and pass yourself off as a good film critic that is NOW



I am ashamed of myself and all those who didn’t believe me. We could have done something but no. We let him rot. I hope the imposter is happy there’s nothing I could do but expose him for what he is. I can’t try SAVING the real one anymore. I can’t harness his horse soul and bring him back that way. He’s just a horse, just a horse SPIRIT. INCORPORAL.

I tried to communicate with the spirit, I cried and sung and spun around in the field. But If he could hear there was no proof. I could find no real horses either. If I had heard that many they must all be spirits of some sort. What other online critic’s has this imposter replaced in the past? I shiver at the thought.

Now is the time to contemplate and wallow in the loss of a great man, Adam Yankovich.



