The opening was funny, but then...

I started to hate the show. The presenters woodenly stared at the teleprompter. Worse then Trump! It seemed like too many of the same people were up for half the awards, and they kept showing the same people in the seats. I got tired of all the trans references. They made it sound like half the country wanted to swap genders, and the other half wanted to watch. This is a tiny subset of the country, with their own take on humor. Hollywood made sure there was a minority and a gay on every show, and the country is a better place for it. But is it really the time for so much mainstream tranny-talk? (and I'm extremely liberal)
After 30 minutes, I turned it off. I wasn't enjoying the show. I don't think it was Fallon's fault, as much as the producers.


That would be Kimmel, not Fallon.


Obviously that was Kimmel, which is why he said it wasn't Fallon's fault..
