Shelter Stocked Up

So the shelter is stocked with basically everything they could want/need to survive the crisis. Yes there's the slight problem of the "freaks" inside, but again, everything they need! So they make the ether bomb, but they start waking up. Why the hell didn't they just kill them while they were knocked out? I get that they seem to think there could be a cure but come on! Kill a "freak" to save your life? Hell yes! Wipe 'em out of the shelter and take back all the survival gear, etc that the damn place was MADE for. Ahhhhh jeez.


Because that would be logical.

Okay, to be fair, they were concerned that too much of a commotion would arouse the sleeping freaks from their stupor. And they might still be squeamish over killing former classmates and friends. And no one has ever accused adolescents of consistent and clear-headed judgement. So there is that. But I think you made your point.

Be seeing you...


Is your sig from Buffy? Brilliant if so, I used to say that all the time hehe.

~ I wish we'd had a laugh but you're just not funny ~


I was thinking the exact same thing. Why didn't they kill them.....
