
I only knew of Nicole from MTV's Ladylike and thought she was funny.

I liked the pilot episode. Funny and cute.

Joey F. Jeremiah, that's F for pharmacy.


I never heard of her before, but this show is some funny siht. Transgressive as hell.


This show sets african americas and just plain humanity back millions of years.


Shes too out of shape to be acting "sexy" all the time and hitting on regular guys who take care of themselves acting as if they are going to give her a second look. Unless you are a chubby chaser guys who are in shape are completely put off by someone who doesn't want to be active and just laze around all day eating bad food.



As hard as it may be for you to believe, some men in real life (not Hollywood) do like women who aren't a skeletal-looking size 4. Tired of people whining about how big an actress is if she dosen't look like a damn toothpick like most actresses on TV. If you don't want to see a big actress, watch something else. And,yes, you can be more than a size 4 (like a size 10) and be healthy if you are taking care of yourself. Being skinny as hell does not always automatically mean you're healthy, either. Also being fat dosen't mean that every fat person sits on their a** and just stuffs their mouth either. Some people let themselves go because they're depressed,had to deal with a tragedy in their lives, or from constantly being told from childhood on up that they're fat, which causes a major lack of self-esteem. There are many various different reasons why someone is fat, and it's their issue, not yours. As a nation, we're way too damn obsessed with losing weight and trying to be this perfect size that will supposedly make our lives perfect. If someone's fat, why the hell should you or anybody else give a fck? It's their body, their issue to deal with---believe me, they're heard people dogging them out all the time whenever they're fat, or for most of their lives. Get off their backs already, geesh.

I've worked to lose some weight recently, and I've done it for health reasons, but I for damn sure am not going to shrink myself down to a size 4 or 5--fck all that. I'm good at a size 10 or 12 for my body type, and I'm healthy because I've always exercised and been eating right for years. Also, not everyone can lose weight real quick---that depends on the person's BMI, and their size. 'Nuf said about this,then.


All the crazy, over-the-top stuff that happens in this show you are OK with, but a big girl hooking up with hot guys is what you can't accept? Every sitcom (except Mike & Molly (2010)) with a fat guy in a lead has him married to or dating eye-candy way out of his league, but reverse the roles and it doesn't fly? Gee.


This is some stupid s h i t. Do you honestly believe that all over this incredibly large world, where only a small percentage of the population is in top physical shape, that people who are "out of shape" aren't having sex?!?! My best friend is fat and she pulls more guys than I ever have and I'm smoking hot. Not everyone has the misfortune of a mentality holding them back from seeing others as beautiful just because they aren't the size of a malnutritioned Victoria Secret model. You a s s clown.


I was laughing throughout most of the first episode. I'll tune in for more.



I agree, love love love this show! Nicole is an awesome character played by a great actress whom I'm now obsessed with!
