About Serena Joy...

So we learned Serena's back story and how instrumental she was in the instalment of the current regime in Gilliad. She's clearly an intelligent and capable woman. Does a woman like that not realise that when she works against women's interests, as a whole, she too, is going to end up screwed over?

Where she ended up is in a relatively better position, than that of the majority of women in Gilliad. But it's still a very submissive one, that she doesn't look to be that satisfied with it.

Do you think she has any regrets about the way things went? Or is she still a die hard supporter of the "solutions" that regime came up with?


Look at our election, 53% white American women voted against their self interest, backwoods poor folks who depended on the ACA voted against their own interests now they are all crying and moaning abt the current administration.

This show is extremely sobering because I think it would be easy to replicate here. If u tell the dominate culture they would be treated better than minorities, I think they'd gladly turn the US into Gilead. It's scary


I guess that's true. People constantly vote against their own interest. But to be actively organising a movement that's going to oust you the first chance it gets is a whole nother form of crazy, IMO.

What I find scary in the show is that most (all in the case of the book) of the things portrayed have already happened, somewhere. And I too think that given the chance, people will gladly accept a violent, controlling regime, if they think it gives them an edge over whatever group they think is threatening their way of life. It's not like it hasn't happened before. And once you open that can of worms, things just escalate from there.
