Any nudity in the series?

I heard that they have sex completely dressed in the book. So the chances are slim. I really want to see Alexis naked.


Maybe during flashbacks. The character does take a bath and addresses how it's uncomfortable to see herself naked. Nick and Offred have a pretty unorthodox sexual relationship (given the circumstances)


 I don't think that's gonna happen.


They said they're keeping plot close to the book. So yes, it's unlikely.


Not just that, but, it's Alexis Bledel. I think her appearance on Mad Men is the closest you'll ever get to "nudity" with her. No judgment, and no praise. That's her choice, I totally respect it...and I'm a woman, I actually sort of don't want to see her naked cause it'll shatter the image of Rory Gilmore in my mind.

Can't wait for this series, though. Four favorite actresses from four of my favorite tv shows : Gilmore Girls, Chuck, Orange is the New black and Mad Men. Also, I love this book. Also, the timing. It's just brilliant.


What Rory did in Netflix revival is a lot worse than doing nudity. Anyway, I agree with you on Alexis not wanting to show off.


Wow, you really got the absolute wrong lesson from that book. This is like reading Les Misérables and concluding, "you know, we really should prosecute thefts of bread and related baked goods much more strongly than we do now." Or reading Invisible Man and thinking, "why weren't there more white people in that book?"


I think you're in the wrong thread


I think you're commenting on the wrong story. If you respond to a book about the brutal subjugation of women with "I really want to see Alexis naked," you have failed to get the point in a fairly spectacular way.


It's a movie. It's called acting.
