Filming Location?

I wonder where this will be shot. probably in Canada like most everything else. The original film was shot in North Carolina. Be interesting to see where they shoot this.


its filming in Toronto prep starting this month filming starts in September


Thought so.


This bums me out a little - the story is set in Cambridge, MA, and I always found it interesting how Atwood set a religious dystopia in what is (arguably) the intellectual capital of the country. I hope the story is still set there and they include at least a few shots of Cambridge landmarks. The location, in the book at least, was integral to the story.


There will be plenty of local Cambridge landmarks visible. They're just not Cambridge, MA landmarks.


Bums YOU out?

They're filming in Canada...yet we don't get Hulu in there's no way to WATCH it in Canada! Boo!


Yeah, that's a very big bummer. As one of Canada's national treasures, Atwood's story should definitely be viewed by Canadians!


What channel will this be on?!


It's a Hulu original series I think. Yes, I'm bummed too about in Canada. I think they nailed it okay in the 1990 production, which was a pretty good adaptation. I think it was integral as well.


It's filming outside my house in Toronto right now! Looks really awesome. They gave the huge old church a cool futurey makeover.


I wonder how integral Cambridge will be in this version? There is a real good way they can use the Drumpf controversy to their advantage in the case of this new version, but I still like the 1990 picture too. I'm warming up to the idea because I know the theatrical release had it's flaws, and missed a few good points. We'll see.

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


Neat. Whereabouts in Toronto? Which church?
