
Please hire Chivo for the photography.



Chivo is great but has become a repetitive showboat. This Jorg Widner has a great resume. This movie will prove (whether this is Malick's intention or not) that Malick does not depend upon Lubezki, he can capture images at the same quality without being tied to a gimmicky celebrity cameraman.



Malick proved that over 40 years ago. I love Chivo but Widmer has worked on every film with him and Malick since The New World so that link and strength will still be there. Many of the greatest steadicam shots in Malick's films were physically operated by Widmer.

Interesting that at a time Malick seems firmly rooted in the present, however, that he should now return to the past and to biography rather than semi-autobiography. Can't wait, as ever.


No, please hire someone else. It's become very stagnant and repetitive after Knight.
