Matthias Schoenaerts

I've been watching this guy since Any Way the Wind Blows (2003).

I don't say this lightly,but this is the most talented actor I know of.
I've seen him act in 3 languages.
He has a very special gift.

I recommand watching "Maryland" (Disorder) from 2015 , "De rouille et d'os" (Rust and Bone) from 2012 and "Rundskop" (Bullhead) from 2011.

I can't believe my nr.1 actor is working with my favourite director.

This is like DeNiro/Scorsese in my brain,like Herzog/Kinski.

I'm excited,yes.


That's interesting, thank you for the tips. I've seen Rust and Bone.


I have yet to watch Bullhead but he was definitely amazing in Rust & Bone. I also just watched him in 'Suite Francaise','Far From The Madding Crowd' and 'The King's Gardens'. He does well in all genres of film and is my most favourite actor now. I'm looking for Maryland as we speak.


I disagree. He can’t hold a candle next 2 Shia labuff
