MovieChat Forums > Bull (2016) Discussion > Episode 1: unsympathetic protagonists

Episode 1: unsympathetic protagonists

My problem with episode 1 is that the defendant, his parents, and their acquaintances were all very unlikeable rich self-absorbed jerks. I get it, you have to be wealthy to afford Bull's services, but I felt NO desire at all to "root" for any of those people.

By the end, I did feel a little bad for the kid (Brandon?), but when Taylor, that entitled brat, took the witness stand and threw something at the lawyer, I secretly hoped she'd be executed right there!


I kind of want to like this show but have the same sentiments as you. I cannot pick any character that I'm interested in or that I think I will eventually like.

The second thing that bothered me was the conversation between the juror and Dr. Bull at the end. I'm expected to believe that that juror can so quickly and easily read Bull herself which leads her to correctly deduce that he's had a horrible childhood?!?!

I'll hang in for a few more episodes to see how it goes anyways. I want to like this show!


That was largely the point. If the defendant and his family was likable, there would be little chance of him being found guilty; given the lack of physical evidence or witnesses. It was because the were unlikable that the boy was in danger of being convicted.

And personally, he redeemed himself to me at the end. His parents were still jerks, and the primary defense lawyer was beyond being a jerk. But I came to like the boy.


Was lightly skimming it for coverage and might have missed a few things.

The girl who threw the notebook in court was connected how?

The significance of the bracelet?

Was there a valid reason why the juror also possessed Bull's same deep powers of insight, like she had three secret degrees, or was it just unexplained clairvoyance and her life experience?


The girl who threw the notebook was Brandon's best friend who also had a crush on him. It was also her mom who killed Alyssa (the victim) and her dad who Brandon was with that night

It was a necklace and the victim was wearing it at the time of her death. Therefore whoever had it in their possession most likely killed her.

The juror had insight becauseher teacher was the "school of hard knocks." She tried to control those around her, in particular her son, and it blew up in her face.


Thanks for clarifying.


Any new show that sounds like I may like it I usually give it between 1 and 3 chances before I cancel the series. I really tried hard to like it but there are so many reasons not to watch it that are making it difficult to watch episode 2 but I am going to give it one more chance, It looks as if M.W made a mistake leaving NCIS.

Thomas Gibson has been fired from Criminal minds now I won't watch CM, No Hotch no watch


First of all as has been repeated many times he didn't leave NCIS for Bull. He left NCIS because he was tired of playing Tony Dinozzo, who was a shell of his former character. Seeing as how he gave notice at the end of season 12 and Bull wasn't even developed until around mid season 13 one had nothing to do with the other.

Also even if Bull ends up not doing well (although it is off to a great start) he still would have gotten to work on a series executive produced by Steven Spielberg. That is never a bad thing. He also still will have his development and production contract with CBS.




I didn't see any characters I wanted to see more of, on the show. Especially Bull and Co.
(except Chris Jackson, from Hamilton). I found Bull's company more offensive than inspiring.
