
Apparently, if you have a good haircut and carefully groomed stubble you can deliver every line with a total deadpan face, eyes more lifeless than a China doll and not even a glimmer of personality but still get the lead in a network drama. This Luke guy makes Jack Webb look like Robin Williams. If I were the producers, I would send him back to whatever Westworld robot R&D lab they found him in for more human emulation programming.

"There's a little good inside everyone. Sometimes it just takes a scalpel to find it." - Me


But those blue eyes. . .

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I gotta admit, he's hot. No denying. Still, you really need a good actor to pull off dialogue this flat and artless.

"There's a little good inside everyone. Sometimes it just takes a scalpel to find it." - Me


Another Brit with an untraceable accent!

"I used to know things. Now I have to remember them."


He's a bit more animated in Black Sails I think the character is written on the page as barely registering a pulse.


Well judging by what we've learned about the character, I am pretty sure it's written that way. Besides, everything else I've seen him in he's been quite good. And it's been all different kinds of roles. I do wish he would smile more, he has a great grin.
