The trailer was OK until they showed the domestic terrorist group known as Black Lives Matter. This is a group pretending to be as opressed as the people shown during the beginning of the the trailer when in fact they are the most privileged people in the world. Unless they plan to expose BLM, that would make this film nothing but another piece of regressive propaganda.


Here here


Please explain how BLM is a "terrorist group"?


They use violence, agitation, intimidation as a means to a political end. The definition of terrorism. Made even worse by the fact that they dont even have a list of goals. They dont want equality, they have it, in fact they have an easier time getting into higher education due to lower standards. They want black supremacy.


You just grouped every single person into one category, as expected. I guess the acts of a few count for everyone huh? Have you ever went to a BLM rally or better yet, done any research? Doubt it. " fact they have an easier time getting into higher education due to lower standards." stop, your ignorance is showing.




"Black Supremacy" LMFAO

There will never be black supremacy. They're not intelligent enough to work together. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING they have, they have it because white people GAVE it to them. They are the most disorganized ignorant people when they form large numbers. That's not to say that on an individual level they can't be highly intelligent and skilled, but in a group, when that mob mentality overtakes them, they're idiots. Look at Ferguson or any other town or city they've ruined.
