MovieChat Forums > I Am Not Your Negro (2017) Discussion > The trailer for this movie turns my stom...

The trailer for this movie turns my stomach and makes me sick.

What is wrong with Americans not to be able to realize the evil in them that
they must right from our history - let alone the Native Americans. This country
someday will atone for its crimes and it will make life as just and equal for all
people as can be.

That day can be within our lifetimes, or we can just sit around and get nauseated
by the likes of the disgusting leaders we get today paid for by billionaires to represent
billionaires, who want to go back to these times, who study you as to how to best
lie to you, and push you right up, but not past, the point that you will do anything
to rebel.

They are smart, and they have lots of data and smart people who have sold out to
work for them against human beings. Somehow the people who accept this kind
of treatment for other human beings and support the status quo must be detached
from the exercise of power as the criminals they are, and their crimes of the past
must be made right.
