Great film

This was a slow burn for me. There were moments while watching when I didn't really think I would end up liking it, but it won me over, in the end. Joaquin Phoenix is great and Lynne Ramsay does some really interesting and unconventional things with the story. Cinematography is beautiful and the music helps enhance the film. Great film in its own way and not the typical action thriller. I strongly recommend checking it out and would rate it 9/10.


There are reviews and comments like yours filling up these movie discussion sites ... you just say this movie is great, and some irrelevant things about it ... but can you just explain to me what was great about it?


Phoenix's performance is fantastic. The film is interesting and different than you might expect. The score is part of what makes it great, as is the beautiful cinematography. It is a really well crafted, engaging film.


OK, thanks. To me, all those things are nice, but they do not make a movie good, let alone great. A great movie to me has to have a great story, a well-written plot, and has to present some kind of positive useful ideas of morality, even if it is reversed on itself.


positive useful ideas of morality

that's a rather stilted, stunted, authoritarian filter to try to impose on yourself, let alone anyone else, as a standard of art.

since you seem so bumptious about your particular viewpoint, thought i'd give you mine of yours.


Yeah, well, it's not really easy and worth it to spend a lot of time on a post explaining fully what one's artistic sensibilities are. Either "ya feel me" or you don't. Clearly you are just trying to be an nit-picking jerkoff.


no, you were ragging on the guy, on the board in general, and trying to impose your imo benighted notions of quality as if you personally are an arbiter of taste in general, no less. you weren't just panning the film, you were laying down some rules. which i think deserved a challenge.

the film actually did have a moral point, which seems to have evaded you - it could also be understood allegorically, not merely literally.

in case you haven't noticed our political class is corrupt. are they all pedophiles? no. but some of them actually are. and most of them are weasels of one sort or another, in both parties, though to different extents (imo).

i'm not saying this is a great film either, to be honest. but i found it interesting, in that it did tie some destructive themes of our nation/world (child abuse, human trafficking, the atrocities of war, ptsd, political exploitation/corruption) into a narrative core centered upon a man impacted by them all, reacting to a younger version of himself, as a process. obviously this is a symbolic, abstract, surreal synthesis of these aspects.

anyway you post here, like us all, for some feedback - hope you find at least some of it useful.


ragging ... must be your middle name ... and probably your first and last too a-hole



It was indeed excellent. Cinemaphotography, acting, editing, soundtrack , script all really well done. Had a strong impact on me visually.


I enjoyed it a lot but it had ummmmm a couple of odd or quirky moments. Plenty of people have already pointed out that this guy leaves a lot of evidence wherever he goes which would get him caught quickly. I think???



Apparently not.


I know. It's a movie.


You have to really pay attention but yeah, great.


It's very good and very soothing. Damaged people can still serve and become whole.
