What makes this racist?

I keep seeing people whine "THIS IS RACIST!!" and "BOYCOT NETFLIX!" but I've yet to actually hear from someone explaining how, exactly, it is racist or promotes "white genocide".


It has the word white in the title, duh!


You know it's racist so don't even try that argument.


What makes this racist?

For starters:

- It lumps all white people together into the same boat - this is the very definition of racism!

- It racistly assumes that all white people are racist.

- It is based upon an extremely racist film that spends the entirety of its screen-time promoting racism against white people. That film even features a gay black man committing sexual assault against a white man, and that horrific sexual assault is represented as a "comedic moment" by the racist and possibly psycho filmmakers.


Yeah, there is no need to make the title Dear white people at all. Not all white people are racist!! Jeez. Stupid movie and show regardless. Like how many people actually know of this show and movie, hardly anyone lmao


- It lumps all white people together into the same boat - this is the very definition of racism!

How does it do this? The title?

It racistly assumes that all white people are racist.

How? For this and the above question, can you please give some specific examples from the show which demonstrates this?

It is based upon an extremely racist film that spends the entirety of its screen-time promoting racism against white people.

Could you give some exact examples from the film you're referring to?

features a gay black man committing sexual assault against a white man, and that horrific sexual assault is represented as a "comedic moment" by the racist and possibly psycho filmmakers.

The forced kiss is a comedic moment because it was done to a homophobic character, not because it was done to a white character. The character just happened to be white.

It's hilarious how you've referred to this as "horrific sexual assault" when it barely even constitutes as such. It's not as if he was anally raped. Stop being such a snowflake.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


So if there were a show called "Dear Black People", you would be OK with it?


Depending on the context, of course.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


It obviously is racist. It's speaking from a point of condescension and relying upon gross mass generalizations for the sake of making a political point about "privilege". It's aim is to marginalize and belittle, ironically much like the things it claims to be working against.


Okay. Can you give some examples from the TV show, please?

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


The entire trailer. And premise. Duh.


Haha. You've not even seen it.

I'm guessing that goes for everyone calling this racist.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


Seen it. It's racist. Writer of the show said *beep* white people" on election night. Coming from a place of hate.


It's racist to tell white people that black face is racist? Regardless, the narrator isn't even the protagonist. It's a satirical comedy you dumb ass. Is a movie about the Holocaust racist towards the Jews? Because that's how ridiculous you are.

Racism is a disease of white people - Albert Einstein


You obviously suck at analogies. Amongst many other facets of life.


Excellent. If you've seen it, then you won't have a problem with citing some specific examples of racism within the show.

I'm waiting.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


I've already answered your question. I have seen the trailer and read the premise. Both are obviously racist. It's coming from a place of hatred, especially obvious given that one of the writers is a confirmed racist.

What isn't racist about telling all white people they are evil?


An exact quote from you:

Seen it. It's racist.

So you've not actually seen the show? Then why are you commenting? And why did you lie about watching it?

Seeing the trailer and reading the premise does not make you an expert. There's been countless movies where I've seen the trailer and read the premise and thought they were crap, but then I've found that I actually really enjoy the film.

So, unless you can properly answer my question with exact examples from the show, please stop wasting your breath.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.


The only one lying/deflecting is you. That or you just have terrible reading comprehension.

My post

The entire trailer. And premise. Duh.

Your reply to this post that was mentioning the trailer

Haha. You've not even seen it.

I'm guessing that goes for everyone calling this racist.

My reply

Seen it. It's racist.

Sure, I bet the trailer and premise completely belie the actual content of the show. Likely just a totally honest mistake on the part of the producers.....

And you're now trying to shift the goalposts, when earlier you were trying to argue that nothing was racist. Now I'm just not enough of an "expert" on the racist trailer and premise.

And you dodged my question.


The trailer isn't the show.


It generalise an entire race and treats them as just rich racists.

It also thinks it is okay for black people to be racist and riot.

It suggests every problem a black person has is because of white people holding them back not their own failings.

It is racist to white and black.


No, that's just what you assume from watching a piece of marketing and lacking even a base understanding of the source material. Nothing more.

It generalise an entire race and treats them as just rich racists.

First off, the word is generalizes. Second off, it satirizes both elite white culture and every single form of black culture that's been made popular over the last ten years.

It also thinks it is okay for black people to be racist and riot.

Again, that's just your perception from watching a trailer and couldn't be more wrong. I won't say too much about the film it's based on, but there's a brilliant moment midway through where the protagonist explains why black people can be prejudiced, but ultimately not racist. When the two groups of people finally do physically clash, the situation is ultimately warranted and defendable, both in terms of fictional storytelling and in the context of recent history where real schools have come under fire for similarly themed parties.

It is racist to white and black.

And lastly, no. You just lack total understanding of the complexity of identity and want things to be neatly squared off into little boxes.

There's a difference between a differing opinion and a forced one.


How did you get passed 3rd grade?


I didn't. I'm from England. We don't have grades here.

I'd also like to point out the irony of you insulting my intelligence whilst you do not know the difference between "passed" and "past".

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.
