MovieChat Forums > Busanhaeng (2016) Discussion > Good zombie movie, except for one moment

Good zombie movie, except for one moment

When the people at the front of the train refuse to let the main protagonists in because they think they are infected. Come on, they have all seen what infected look like at this point and how fast they turn. They should have realised that the main protagonists were not infected after a couple of seconds. Not only that, but they then lock them away one car ahead, trapping themselves between real infected and people they think are infected. Dummies.


Well, zombie movies always, I repeat, ALWAYS have dumb moments. It's like their signature feature or something.


I agree with you that it didn't make sense to lock them a car ahead, but I'm not surprised they weren't willing to let them rejoin the group.

They didn't know anything about the virus (or even if it was a virus) including whether or not it takes longer to show symptoms in some people than others. Why would they want to take a chance just to keep some strangers from feeling rejected when they could make them sit in quarantine in a separate compartment at no cost to anyone?


Because, believe it or not, people actually help each other out at moments like this. They saw how the virus worked, it's unbelievable that none of them wanted to help them.


mate... we dont let normal healthy people move from one country to the next without a series of tests and medical records for visa purposes... that's today in 2017 without zombies...

the scenario in the movie is entirely reasonable... especially when they're all covered in zombie blood...


great zombie movie


I agree, OP. They were fools. How could you think they were infected when the change happens in mere moments. Maybe Yon-suk (and he was such a dick) used the Jedi mind trick on 'em all.


Yes. Very valid point. They were clearly not zombies.


I found it really stupid, too.
The human bad guys was also so over the top evil it was almost a cliché.


This is why I hate zombie movies. Is there any zombie movie that's not clichéd stupid?

However this one is actually pretty good, shame it still has dumb moments.


Yeah, that suit guy was really too silly.


I agree. It was a pretty big group and I find it hard to believe that all of them would listen to that one guy and not want to let them in. Also stupid that they didn't first barricade the door where the actually zombies were.


They don't all change that fast. The first person on the train lasted a hell of a long time before changing. It doesn't seem consistent and just depends on what the script demands.

Besides, when people are scared they are irrational. Look at how people are panic buying hand sanitizer in supermarkets just now due to coronavirus but the soap and handwash aisles are well stocked. Or how people are attacking Asian people for the virus... if they were infected that would be the dumbest move to get close to them and cause bodily fluids to fly.
