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Season 3 Episode 3 thoughts - Mortality Paradox (no significant spoilers)

Pretty clever episode and a step up from the previous two. The show seems to be hitting its stride again.

At first I was worried that this was going to be another horror episode. Happily not the case.

As I was watching the early scenes I couldn't help but think about what Captain Kirk would have done in a similar situation. Definitely would not have allowed himself to get beaten up in the men's room. I also think that by the end of the third incident already he would have figured out the basic idea of what was going on and refused to play further. Spock would have found some telltale sign that allowed him to discern whether things were real or not. I see why they wanted to have four incidents, but the writers should have found a more clever way to get them into the last one.

Kirk would also not have pulled back the landing party. Instead he would have sent down five more to search everywhere until they found them or at least some sign.

Again both Ed and Kelly go to the planet. Probably only one of them should have gone and they could have taken Charly along so that she could get more experience, leaving a more experienced person in command.

Charly is going to be suspicious of Isaac the entire season I suppose.


it’s slowly coming back to life. too bad this is probably the last season. i liked the tron suit lady.


hahaha, tron suit lady. good one.

I didn't like Dinal that much. She probably gave a few of them PTSD with her games.

I wasn't too sure about Ed's philosophy on immortality either. Sure it would be fun to see what happens, but the rate of change would tend to be so slow that you would soon be bored. The only exception might be if you are exceptionally talented, like Mr. Flint in the TOS episode, Requiem for Methuselah. He could paint like Leonardo, compose like Brahms, and so on.


I think it was one of the best, if not the best, episode in the entire show.
