MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > We get it, Seth. You're Alfred Hitchcock...

We get it, Seth. You're Alfred Hitchcock.

I watched both seasons of The Orville but didn't make it to the last two episodes of season two. The reason why is that it was obvious where it was going.

Seth MacFarlane is Alfred Hitchcock. He's a guy with a blonde fetish obsessed with finding the right one that is going to make his life complete. I know this because for a good, long while on Family Guy, he was using Brian as his alter ego to work out his romantic issues, and that's what all of Brian's story lines consisted of--him meeting what he thinks is the perfect blonde, and then him either screwing things up or the woman disappointing him.

Just when I thought MacFarlane was over this whole thing, he started playing out his blonde fetish and romantic issues out again on The Orville. Just like on Family Guy, we have him using a character as an alter ego, one who keeps getting disappointed in or being dumped by blonde women.

I have no doubt that Season 3 will be more of the same, probably worse, which is why I won't be following it on Hulu. I'm all for relationship-centered episodes if they're in the service of character development, but MacFarlane is clearly using them as a form of self help, and I find it annoying.
