MovieChat Forums > Chelsea (2016) Discussion > Love the show, but not the jiffy/dan ski...

Love the show, but not the jiffy/dan skits

The skits where she brings out people from the old show just diminish the overall experience I believe. I do like the show and Chelsea's stake and guests.


I love that she is loyal to her staff and brought them over, but do agree that they aren't as funny to me as, I feel, they do. Which isn't bad; especially if you are sitting around a table spit balling.

I definitely feel it'll take more time and perhaps another season or so to fully flesh out the feel of the show. So perhaps better skits with the two of them?



She could put them to better use than she is with the skits they've done so far in my opinion. It is nice to see her carrying over some of the staff/writers from her old show.
