
Is anyone kind of tired of the constant trump talk? Today's episode was all centered on him!! I feel like the past three weeks it's just been all about trump. Not the election, just straight up hating on Trump.


It's the ultra- left's way. They bash every right-wing icon at every opportunity in order to virtue signal to everyone just how progressive and tolerant they are, when they're anything but. They're fascists.


It's the ultra- right's way. They bash every left-wing icon at every opportunity in order to virtue signal to everyone just how conservative and tolerant they are, when they're anything but. They're fascists.

It can go both ways buddy. Liberals have to deal with Progressive scum and Conservatives have to deal with Tea Party scum.


Yeah. I agree with you. But ask yourself this: which side is doing most damage to society? And I'm speaking as someone who, for 20-odd years, was a dyed in wool Liberal. I can't identify with their causes anymore. They're toxic.


Currently for me that would be Republicans. I'm an atheist and personally believe that religion does a lot more harm than it does good. Evangelical Christians back Republicans and in return they create laws that alienate women and minorities. They will most likely continue to refuse to accept any Supreme Court nominee under a Democrat. Most Republican held states refuse to accept the Medicaid Expansion portion of the ADA hurting a lot of poor people in the process simply so they can say that Obamacare is a failure. We've lost numerous patents in the field of stem cell research due to Christian "morals". We have the highest incarcerated population on the planet due to Christian Republican's war on drugs. You have to understand that Trump isn't an anomaly like the media states. He's the embodiment of Christian Republican values. What he says and does is exactly what a lot of Republicans say and think behind close doors. Frankly I'm glad he's here because the more people realize how bad that party is the more people will run from it.


she doesn't want Trump as President and I don't blame her. She is in a position that allows her to put forward guests to her liking. I'm on her side but of course if you're not then you won't like her or her show. She is unapologetic and proud of her views


Agree, beatin a dead horse. I was happy to see the Republican politician from Utah though. He was professional and opinionated. He offered a different point of view.
