Well is it good?

Open the pod bay doors, HAL.


Overall, the format doesn't hold me and there's a lot to be desired.

I think I've been spoiled with Talking Dead (the Walking Dead). Talking Dead has has the right idea being live and having one host, celebrity/fan guest appearances and actual live fan insight. If we didn't like Hardwick from his previous shows we grow to like Chris Hardwick as a talk show host because of the freedom that he has to hang on to his jokes longer.

After the Thrones, we have two guys forced upon us that many of us don't even know. Jokes feel forced as if they've been repeated/rehearsed. I know that I have read and watched this nerd show, but watching the after show, I feel as though I'm watching a nerd show.


I agree.

Feels like a second rate production compared to Talking Dead.

HBO should have put more effort into this show.


They raised some questions and POV that haven't been mentioned.


Put it this way- since the last post for this show, GoT has had almost 6 pages of posts.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


Not so much. The answers to a lot of their questions are pretty much already known to most fans and some of what they assert as "fact" is either incorrect or speculation.


I was disappointed, nothing particularly enlightening in their opinions.
No critical response to the episode, I didn't expect a hagiography but I wanted some discussion of the episode strengths and weaknesses.
For a show made by the same network, where are the guest stars?

A random selection of chosen experts, none I knew, but maybe others did.
The show is perfect for someone that has never bothered watching one of the 1000s of GoT videos online.

This is how the show should be done: Academy of Game of Thrones

GoT Academy channel:

two people discussing the show, bringing up themes in the show that compare to real historical events etc. Comparing the various powers to real world examples etc.


Thanks for recommending the GoT Academy. I am not a big YouTube person, but that is a channel that I will definitely be checking out each week!
I'm hoping After the Thrones will improve after a few episodes. The first left much to be desired. They had a bright moment or two, but for the most part, I didn't feel like they were actually invested into GoT.


I don't think it's good at all. I don't care for the hosts at all.


I set up a season pass to record the show...then watched the first episode and went and cancelled it.

While Chris Hardwick is a bit of a liberal douche, it doesn't bleed thru in his commentary 24/7.

On the other hand, these beta male hosts/3rd wave feminist that came to apologize about the show having strong men and weak women (for the most part) clinched the unsubscribe for me. CBG19 is where to go for your post show discussion.


Could it have been any worse?

I don't know if this is a mock from HBO or not. I felt pretty exicited about the first episode of GoT s6, but after watching this it took all the good feelings and excitment of the show away again.

It seems only as a nonsense comedy recap of a show that people have strong feelings about. Every single sentence that came out of the two hosts' mouths seemed exactly (as another person wrote) like rehearsed jokes ( and really bad ones imo). And I really tried to find the point in this show, but ultimately gave up. The two hosts does not (I expect) Care about GoT the TV series, so it all becomes a nonsensical joke session for two buddies, which they really do not need to do recap series on. Lost much respect for HBO right there!!


The show isn't amazing, but it isn't all THAT bad. It's a nice recap. Mallory Rubin is cute and smart, definitely knows her stuff. Why all the hate?


They just took an existing podcast and put it on HBO
