
Has anyone looked at the crews' twitter accounts? Everyone's is pretty normal and what you would expect. Then there is Bryan's and Bobby's. Holy crap! It is all just tweet after tweet attacking Danny. It is like they are both obsessed with the guy. Other crewmembers, not one tweet about the guy recently.

What was also sad to see were the many people tweeting back at Bobby agreeing with him and jerking him off. Obviously those people are biased and attracted to this guy for some reason. Bryan tweeted the same stuff but got mostly hate back from people. Pretty funny he responded to some of the hate.

I find it a little odd for Bryan and Bobby to go on twitter and tweet hate non-stop about another crewmember. Is that professional?


I thought I saw a thread from last week that was between Hannah and Danny. They were definitely in some kind of twitter argument. All the different crew members and charter guests were tagging each other. Really strange, as far as boundaries, professionalism, and discretion go. If you sign up for a reality show, all of that basically gets signed away when you agree to be filmed. So, all this BS about maintaining that because it's a yacht and they are paying so much $$$ is just that, BS.


Too lazy to look it up myself, but what areTiff, Hannah, Jules, Ben up to now after the show? Did Ben ever talk about Kate's arrest and having a girlfriend?
