Gone Danny Gone

See what the sea does to ye?


They are far from a mature crew - but Danny behavior had my jaw on the floor multiple times.


I don't think I've ever seen a more delusional employee.


They were right to give him the heave-ho.

What a delusional, unprofessional child. Room for improvement? So everybody else has to carry his lazy, untrained ass while he learns how to do the job properly?

Except he never would have. And totally inappropriate interaction with the charter guests. They aren't your friends doofus -- if you showed up on their doorstep they would be embarrassed and wouldn't know what to do with you.


Also, the charters where he interacted the most with the guests were the ones where they got the lowest tips.


Didn't you just know that the horrible charter guests were going to be pikers when it came to the tips?

What a bunch of classless, cheap-ass jerks. If you can't afford to charter a yacht without stiffing the staff, go rent a houseboat on Lake Havasu.


I couldn't believe Danny just trusted Bryan about the donkey ride being the only way to get to the top of Santorini. That's what really shows Danny's immature side, he thinks all people are trustworthy, even when they've already proven they aren't.

If you were just fired, would you STILL trust what they told you?
Gullible to the end.

Bryan thinks he's a Roman god (he certainly has the ugly profile for it), and Bobby has one of the ugliest bicep tattoos I've seen in years, plus horse teeth. Both are huge chauvinists, and the fratboy attitudes were nauseating. BUT - if you are going to provide firing fodder potential for these two to single you out - then it's your fault, and don't go crying to anybody for your own immature actions. They harrassed him, but Danny started it all.

I think Danny would go through the same hazing situations with many different types of employers/managers, once they found out how sweet, innocent, and completely clueless he really is. Ben saw that Danny wasn't right for yachting. Maybe he can find a job as "Julie Cruise Director" on a Love Boat, or something.

And I wonder if his current employers are now watching the show and regretting their decision? Editing can't put entire offensive remarks in one's mouth, and Danny had plenty of inflammatory comments to his coworkers/superiors that should have canned him many episodes ago.


I thought sending him off on the donkey was mean-spirited. He was a jack-ass, but so was Bryan for doing that.


I dislike Bobby and Bryan intensely. But I enjoyed it when Bryan told him the tram was out of order. I think it was payback for all those times Bryan was hunting Danny down on their radios to get Danny to work. Or Danny not paying attention to the warnings that were given to him.

Beginning deckhand courses that you have to take before employment spend time on employee relations and professional attitude. He must have been on his phone during those classes.

Danny never learned there is no "I" in team.
