This is great so far.

Though nothing beats the original.


It is good. You can see Tracy's getting pretty winded though.


Yes, she is. She does not seem to have the charisma of the Tracy's who came before her. I am just not feeling it.


Best of all the live ones yet~~~~fun, well done and perfectly cast.......

everyone deserves the chance to fly!


I still think sound of music was the best one. I was really hoping for wicked. But that will be next!!!!


I love Kristen Chenoweth but she was just not sexy enough and way too Broadway. Where is Michelle Pfeiffer when you need her?

The guy playing Corny is not bad at all.


This is supposed to be like Broadway? I think she is doing amazing. The horrible injuries she has recouped from and some of her medical issues with balance amazes me even more.


Broadway works wonderfully on stage but on a TV screen, it is too big. I said I love Chenoweth but it is not working for me on this.


Corny......Derek favorite dancer on Dancing With the Stars.


How long is it? IMDb doesn't say.


It will end shortly before 11 PM Eastern.

reply ended right before 11:00 PM (Pacific where I am).

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


I take everything I said back, I love it.


So it sounds like it might be worth watching? I'm in CA, it doesn't start for another 90 minutes.


I still think The Wiz was the best of all of them. But this one is sooooo close. They're doing a fantastic job. Though I love the commercials worked into the show, I could do without the live bumpers on the ends of segments. No to that crap. But this is very well cast. Ariana Grande is clearly the weakest of the cast, but even she's pretty good overall in the cast. Derek is fantastic. This is just good good stuff.


I thought it was pretty good overall. My only complaint is that Tracy isn't really that good of a singer. She was practically screaming throughout I Can Hear the Bells, completely taking away from the romantic-ness and daydream-like qualities of the song. And it's not the only song where she only had one volume. Modern singer mentality...but still better than Harvey's singing ability. And it always perplexes me how he keeps getting roles, he cannot sing. At all. Just like Carol Channing, who would want to listen to their voice for 2 hours?
