
Tracy just said solitary refinement instead of solitary confinement. I think she even realized it as soon as she said it.


I caught that too!


Yep, I noticed that too.


There have been quite a few flubs, most of them technical issues, but there are so many moving parts here that I'm still very, very impressed.


That is the beauty of live...mistakes are made but they recover. It is real for the most part and great.


Except it wasn't a mistake. That's how it's written.


I heard it but thought it was on purpose! I laughed!


It's a joke, kids. One of several great jokes in this script. Thanks, Harvey.


Caught that too! Good for a chuckle.


Martin Short also called Jennifer Hudson Miss Motorboat, instead of Motormouth.


I'm pretty sure that was on purpose, too. Just like the 'solitary refinement" line.

Mr. Turnblad wouldn't be familiar with the character of Motormouth Maybelle or her radio show like the kids are. He would just know her from Tracy mentioning her. Tracy probably told him her nickname was Motormouth and only half listening he remembered it as Motorboat.

It was a misunderstanding on the character's part written into the script to be funny.

Sort of like on All in the Family when Archie Bunker would say things like "What do I look like, an inferior decorator?" or "The sexual act was never constipated".

They were jokes written into the scripts on purpose not mistakes on Carroll O'Connor's part.

I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.


Archie Bunker mispronouncing things is one the funniest TV shticks for me.

And yeah I don't think they messed those lines up, those are part of the original script. The only slip ups were some audio problems and camera angles. And I think Rosie O Donnell may have messed up a thing.

But honestly those mistakes don't bother me at all. It's part of the live show. I'm so impressed with what they can pull off. It's not easy and I give them all the credit in the world.


The only thing I really noticed was a slight line flub by Kristen Chenoweth after Tracy's dad brought the big hairspray can out on the stage. She thought Tracy was hiding in the can. She turned to the security guard and said
the line "You, flip her - flip her open and says open fire", but it was a very slight flub and she recovered quickly and they kept going.

The closed captioning had the line as "If anyone so much as touches this thing, open fire"

I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.


Oh yeah I was really confused when she said that. She handled it pretty well though.


That's how it's written in the script, not a flub.
