Kristen Chenoweth

... was shocking! She always overacts and oversings ... not sure why she is consider such a talent, ok but overrated


I feel the same way about Jennifer Hudson.


You feel JH is overrated??? She barely gets ANY publicity


You're joking right? Whenever anyone is needed to scream a Whitney song, out she comes with her screaming.


It's not screaming


I felt the same about Jennifer Hudson and Ariana Hoebag.


I saw her in concert this year..went in wondering if I would really even enjoy this...came out astounded at her talent and personality. I think I it was the best show I've ever seen. Seeing her live made me a believer in her talent!


Realized it was unclear whose concert I saw!


Why doesn't our title post!? Kristen Chenowith was the concert I saw. Sorry thus took 3 posts!


She is literally the only reason I tuned in. Her voice is a phenomenal talent and she should not have to tone it down. And Velma is supposed to be overacted to the extreme.


I preferred Michelle Pfeiffer's Velma over Kristen's, just like I preferred Angelina Jolie's Malificent over Kristen's.


Kristin played Velma was a an Ex-Beauty queen on the verge of Insanity. slightly crazed, high energy and with a screw loose of sorts. It was perfectly fitting and she played the character exactly how she should be played. She brought that Broadway quality to the part, which is how it was written.


She was pretty good as Velma, but I hate how she always interpolates a high e into everything she sings. We get it. You got high notes. I didn't think it worked at the end of Baltimore Crabs-I prefer the belting ala a deranged Edith Bunker on the OBC album.


I kept hearing Malificent whenever she sang.

"By law you have to call it a lair if you use it to torture people." Douglas Davenport
