MovieChat Forums > Hairspray Live! (2016) Discussion > Garrett Clayton vs Zac Efron

Garrett Clayton vs Zac Efron

Isn't is odd that Garrett is playing the same exact part as Zac, and the fact that they look pretty similar makes me wonder if it was by coincidence, or other factors?

I loved Garrett in Teen Beach Musical :) Glad to see him back in another musical.


He was clearly cast because of his strong resemblence to Efron and for his work in teen movies he's done like Efron. It's definitely not a coincidence


Well Clayton is clearly gay so it kind of ruins the Tracy x Link attraction for me.


Clayton being gay ruins a MUSICAL characters relationship for you?! In a musical about being who you are?! In a musical where the mother is "clearly" played by a man?

I hope you realize how ironic this is.


Yes, it does? I'm sorry but I stand by my statement.
Hopefully he does a good job at actually being interested in Tracy like Zac does because if not, then yes I can't buy their relationship or character since that was the way he was originally written and always played.


Always played? Didn't realize you've seen every performer.

Look up Andrew Rannells. Very gay. And played Link...on broadway.


I thought Enron was gay?




After watching most of the movie so far, I have to agree. His character even comes across as a homosexual, which does ruin the whole idea behind the fact that Link and Tracy are supposed to be two completely different people, he's supposed to be the heartthrob who would never fall for an overweight girl, and they come together anyway. It is not that he is actually gay, but he does not perform well as a straight character. It makes it very hard to believe that the relationship is real, there's just no connection between the two of them.


Well, in his defense, the girl playing Tracy has zero charisma. She should be the biggest spark in the show and she is just fizzling.


What does his sexuality have to do with his character? Zachary Quinto is an openly gay actor who plays heterosexual in Star Trek with his love interest Units (Zoe Saldana). It's called acting for a reason.




I wish they had gone in a different direction rather than a Zac Efron clone.


Garrett's got the bubble butt, so him.


in the movie version from a few years ago, comparing him to garrett clayton in the recent LIVE version, zac efron is clearly better in the role, having said that, i like them both - but the live tv version has somethings missing that excelled well in the movie that they could not incorporate into a live tv version (same can be said about kristen chenowyth vs. michelle phiffer, i like them both, but MP was WAAAY better because she had more to do/screentime/had to act a couple times which were not included in the tv live version for KC) ... personally, repeating that i like them both, GC looks like a pretty boy KEN DOLL while ZE is a cute muscle god :)
