Debbie Reynolds' desire to never retire....

....was this entirely her idea, or did anyone else get the feeling that her family might have pushed her a little too much when she wasn't really physically up to it anymore? It wouldn't be the first time that an elderly celebrity with health issues continued to be pushed into the spotlight by family members who loudly claim that they love performing too much to retire.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



They were rich - so I seriously doubt the family needed the money. It was probably more Debbie's ego. She thought her star was bigger than it really ever was.


Carrie clearly didn't want her to perform anymore and said it on camera. I just think Debbie enjoyed performing. It's what she does. Similar to old football coaches who don't want to retire. They don't know what to do with themselves and at times they die shortly after like a Bear Bryant.


I don't know your age but Debbie was huge in her heyday. She was on the cover of hundreds of magazines. Was a huge star and involved in one of the biggest scandals in Hollywood.


Wow....u r hateful!


I don't think that was the case at all. I didn't get the sense that Debbie was doing anything she didn't want to do. Even though Debbie was older and was classy I got the feeling that she could give you one of those good old fashioned Texas cussins if she wanted to. If anything it seemed to be the other way around. Remember she booked the show in Vegas and Carrie was complaining about it. Debbie asked her children to help her out not the other way around. She had even written the lines for Carrie and chose the song Carrie would sing.


Did you even watch the documentary? It was clearly stated that Debbie LIVED to perform and that as she aged she was having a hard time dealing with the fact that her body and mind were failing her (as Carrie said Debbie still thought she was 35). The children (specifically Carrie) stated that they didn't think it was a good idea that she continued performing, but that didn't stop Debbie from going over their heads and booking gigs. Carrie only found out about the Las Vegas gig because her daughter Billie told her about it and she wasn't too happy when she found out that Debbie not only expected the entire family to fly out to help her with the gig, but she also wanted them to participate in the show.

On a side note, I'm not sure why people keep painting Debbie in this saint-like light. While she meant well in mostly everything she did, she at times came off selfish and extremely overbearing.



Some people just don't know when to quit. She looked like she was about to faint any minute
