So how come.....

Chip shoots his Dad in the back, and Dad seems relatively unhurt. But then Mick shoots Jimmy
in the ass, and he ends up in the hospital a bloody mess? I know it's just a stupid comedy, but sometimes I like to see a little reality injected.

BTW, I totally knew Ben was going to kick Jimmy in the nuts. I saw that one coming from around the block, and it was wearing bells. And oh yeah, their Mom is a total bitch.

But I still like the show. It's funny and quirky.



Considering the whole show requires frequent suspension of disbelief, I guess we just have to go along with it.





I thought she shot Jimmy at a closer range. And if they called 911 there was going to be an ambulance there anyway... But, also, yeah, the dad only seemed kind of uncomfortable after getting shot lol.


Well okay then.



I thought waaaay too much about that, didn't I?


LOL, Milton!

