That little girl

I would love to know in five or ten years what that little girl is up to. What a charismatic and perceptive kid, hope she has a great life.


Agree with you 100%!


Hope she has a great life, but OMG she was so super annoying. Maybe Disney will pick her up as an actress in a sitcom because she's totally like one of those obnoxious Disney actors.


Yup! :she is indeed obnoxious.


Hope she has a great life, but OMG she was so super annoying. Maybe Disney will pick her up as an actress in a sitcom because she's totally like one of those obnoxious Disney actors.

Ha! I agree completely. Super annoying. I know why Avenues didn't accept her--the way she talks, she just has this vibe where you can't wait for her to stop talking.

Remember the part where a stranger gave her $5 and she said she felt good about that? I couldn't help but think "Nah, professor of Geology my ass, she'll be a stripper one day"
But your Disney comment makes me think at her best she could be the next Ariana Grande--a very successful stripper! also a Disney protégée. :-P

Imdb erased 8 years worth of reviews and message board posts b/c my comments were too real. F IMDB!


Of course, I didn't think much of Avenues either. Elitist hogwash. When the kids from the housing project were touring the school in amazement, I thought to myself - ANY middle or even upper-middle class kid would be having the same reaction to that school. Talk about extremes! I liked the young man who claimed he'd become a Republican (to the shock and amazement of his friends) because he understood that America offered incredible opportunities for those who worked hard and he planned to make a million in his 20's. Great attitude - he will be a success. Same for the young man who got the scholarship - no "ebonics," no visible tattoos or piercings or pants sagging half-way down his ass. Too bad he's going into a low-paying job like social work; he'll be a success, too.


Yes....the young man who shocked his bros playing hoops by telling them he was a Republican, was Danny and the little girl Rosa's older brother.

Love his attitude, especially when he said: it's not your fault if you're born poor, but it's your fault if you die poor.

These kids went to Catholic no surprise. When you go to Catholic school, the mindset is never if you're going to college, but where?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


It's interesting that the girl claims to hate money and doesn't see a need for it, when by fate her parents won the lottery and are able to live in the most expensive zip code in the country for next to nothing because of the affordable housing policy. When a block or two away people are bidding with each other and paying millions of dollars for that same ability.

People should remember, when you're buying real estate or paying rent, there's only really three things that matter: location, location, and location. The cosmetic aspect of the property is pretty minimal, its really where you're buying it that matters. That's why I don't get why those families are so angry. I'm sure that upper class New Yorkers would love to those families out to the boonies if they had a chance.


Looking at the last three replies it's evident that modern medicine still isn't providing strong enough prescriptions for its patients. Give it time, get well soon.

If you have to title and author your quotes, they aren't worth quoting.
