
Hooked, from the opening scene of Lyra and Billy running over rooftops. No, not Game of Thrones white walkers first scene hooked, but close enough. Mea culpa: I am a huge Dafne Keen supporter. She has such super energy, and, unlike in Logan, here we can see that she can speak beautifully and be charming and vulnerable. Echoes of Arya, maybe. Unlike GOT, this book series is complete, so no Jerry-rigged ending. I have almost always admired HBO. That they have the guts to build this potentially tentpole series around a 13/14 year-old in established but oh-such-potential young lady jazzes me. It’s not on at 9 PM Sunday, yet. But I will already take this over Watchmen, and I won’t look back.


Is this first episode the same part of the story as The Golden Compass? A lot of it seems familiar, but with different actors.


Yes, it is, which makes sense. You really can’t require the audience to have seen a movie in order to understand your series’ narrative.
