Mental illness.

How, in the WORLD, is it even remotely possible that such a wealthy well-known individual as John DuPont, could not even inspire people to pay attention to his (obviously) psychotic, paranoid behavior? Maybe these wrestlers were brilliant at their game, but somebody should've called a mental health professional to HELP this man LONG before it got to the point that it eventually did! I find that so completely appalling and completely baffling that a good man, (Shultz) should lose his life because of a serious mental illness that no one thought to deal with.
Am I off base in this assessment?


The thing is that a billionaire (or whatever he was) without any family, siblings, children or long time friends/associates simply doesnt have anyone ever to reign them in or tell them no. Obviously he was a little asperbegers/autisitc/take your pick, his lack of facial mimicry indicates this, imo.

Think George Lucas with his prequel triology, or Martin Scorcese refusing to cut even a single minute of his long epics. There arent simply any "no"-men around. As you saw from the documentary, his condition worsened after he hired bodyguards, who just kept doing what he asked to; knocking down walls searching for microphones etc.

Even the ancient kings of medieval europe would be raised together with other children in order to have friends (as networking was incredibly important in a time where warrior served personally in war). They grew up fairly normal, and was checked by some group of pseudo-equals in many ways. Monarchs did not turn truly crazy untill the absolute monarchies where they simply grew up without any frame of reference.


Everyone was too busy accepting his money to actually help him.

The story is sad on all counts because Du Pont didn't have anyone who actually cared for him. Because if he did, he would have received mental help.


If he doesn't see himself as sick and he didn't there wouldn't be anything those around him could do. Until that fateful night he wasn't a deadly threat to himself or others; if anyone had called for help it would have been useless. I know from personal experience with a roommate. DuPont didn't want help they can't Baker Act him (place him in a mental hospital against his will for an evaluation).


Anyone else see any comparisons to Penn State and Sandusky? Money, power, and influence made an entire state turn a blind eye for a long time.


These pple were using him, he was their cash cow. Had he been sane, thered never been team foxcatcher. Breaking one delusion and putting him on meds would mean the end of wrestling sponsorship. I think shcultzes' main concern was that he could be a pedophile and when they realized he wasnt they deemed it safe to be around him. They were after his money and funny enough they got more than they thought.

Its also funny and beyond weird how a bugger inherited his estate. Cant wrap my head around it.

my vote history:


Yes, terribly, terribly, terribly sad. Poor lost soul...
