The problem with Anna

Well, the problem is she doesn't really work and the actress is probably the weakest one on the show.

In all the promos Bonnie seems to have usurped her as lead female. Then even cut the intro with her in it that made it clear she was considered the star of the show.

They also seemed to be pushing some Bonnie/Brody/Anna triangle that they're unfortunately still pushing. Anna and Brody have no chemistry and their kiss was just awkward and gross.

They also seemed to have retconned the whole Caitlyn forcing Anna to take the morning after pill with her now being pregnant with the president's kid. They apparently want to keep Heather Locklear in the show to try and draw in ratings, so that means they have to keep this weak character around and try to find some way to make her viable, as she's the reason Heather is around.

The problem is the character is written as weak and a victim. Maybe they could sell her as a villain. So, she learns she's knocked up by the president and she makes a beeline to Brody with the intent of seducing him and making him think it's actually his kid. But as I said, that's not how she's written. She's too weak to stand up to the President and end their affair, if that's what she wants. She's too weak and spineless to stand up to the first lady. She's too weak to handle the press. She's too helpless to find a way back home and has to beg her friends to give her money. She's can't stand the smell of Mama and it's too much for her. They all get shot at and she throws up, while everyone else is fine. Brody rushes to her cause she's so weak and needs protecting. It's like she's a professional victim who can't stand on her own two feet without leaning on someone to support her.

They seem to be writing Shelby as the scheming bitch sister and the actress does it much better than the actress playing Anna does. Again, the Anna character is unneeded. You've got Bonnie as the good self-sacrificing sister and Shelby as the bad girl sister.

They need to overhaul the character or get rid of her, because as she is she just doesn't work. She doesn't work with Brody and she doesn't work as whatever it is they're trying to sell her as.


This show is filled with horrible actors & you think the actress who plays Anna is the worst? Are you kidding me? Her character is pretty unlikeable right now, but she's definitely one of the better actors on the show. I also think the actress playing Bonnie is good. Everyone else is pretty cringeworthy. And yet, I still watch. lol I still think her character is needed. All three sisters have different personalities & their own little stories going.

I also don't think Anna is pregnant. Isn't she the one who found the test? It was either her or Bonnie. Something about the episode summary I saw makes me think it was Rebel's pregnancy test & she may or may not be pregnant.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
