MovieChat Forums > Too Close to Home (2016) Discussion > Too many new characters introduced poorl...

Too many new characters introduced poorly

Okay, so I get that Perry felt he needed to add some color to the cast and that's fine, but why do it all on the premiere in such lazy fashion? We already had more than enough material between the characters we are used to in addition to the DC story becoming more of a focal point. Now we have this mysterious Frankie girl, a girl married to someone in the army but living with his sister and of course, she is cheating on him with another new neighbor we never met who has a wife. Did we really need FIVE brand new characters on a show that already moves way too slow and had so much material already to work with?


I don't mind new additions, but it was so sloppily done in this case. It seems that Brody already knows two of the new black women, yet we saw no indication of this during the first season.


Agree!! No problem adding them, but it was done horribly. I recorded the show and looked away for a few minutes and when I looked back, I thought the wrong show had recorded and had to rewind. Very poor intro!


Omg that acting is horrible..its like they just being themselves on camera..


Yes, I too had looked away and needed to rewind.


They may not have that many episodes to interest characters. Wasn't the first season only 6 episodes long?


Yeah but still introducing so many in one episode was a bit much

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


Too much was going on in 1 episode.
I don't mind new characters but speed up and close some current storylines from season 1.


I agree. I think maybe adding one new character during the premiere with a few brief scenes and then increase the scenes over a few episodes and then add another character. This was crazy. Half the show was dedicated to characters we've never seen before.


^^ Thank you! I waited for this episode to know how the shoot out ended. It ended in a rushed mess with 6 new characters rushed in and their history and the President and Heather Loklear all in 1 hour. don't recall how it all happened.
Too much too soon!


They were introduced so poorly I don't care about their stories and just fast forward now. Not sure how much more I can take of this show. Loved last season. This season is too disjointed. If the new characters had trickled in, I would have felt more of a connection to them. As they are, it just doesn't feel natural.
