Victor's an idiot

How dumb can this guy be? He was warned by several people, multiple times no less, not to do what he did. Going into a local bar in a rural town that is extremely conservative? Instead of toning it down a bit, he lets himself get drunk and grabs a guy's ass and then makes a remark within earshot about wanting to screw them? He even related to a story in which he got beat up because the model thought he was taking advantage of him. But instead of learning anything from it or taking several warnings to heart, he thinks being an SJW in the real world by himself is perfectly fine. It wasn't right for him to get beaten, but for god's sake you have to act a certain way in several areas.


I don't feel sorry for what he got. He called JB sweetheart or baby or something and even if he wasn't gay he would have gotten a fat lip. He really was asking for it. And I was calling him the same thing; an idiot. To be honest, those rednecks acted with restraint considering the crap he was pulling. He was sexually harassing those men.


Get over yourself already dude yeah he made stupid mistakes but you rednecks are always inciting physical violence against us .

Not to mention shove your hypocrisy and double standards you men can hoot and holler at women sexually objectifying them yet if us gay dudes even remotely say you are attractive as a damn COMPLIMENT it's always RAWWWRRRRR HULK ANGRY HULK MAD ME KILL CAUSE ME FEEL EMASCULATED BY ANOTHER MAN THINKING I LOOK NICE RAWWWRRRRR.

It's the same crap everyday with most of you so crawl back in your cave you Neanderthals have perpetuated enough hate and violence against us yet here you are yet AGAIN another STRAIGHT MAN justifying violence against us and even NOT EVEN SUBTLELY implying what YOU WOULD DO IF IT HAD BEEN YOU.

Savage animals most of you belong in cages not in a civilized intelligent society just more people who will inevitably commit some hate crime or another as usual.


Victor is lazy and does not want to work all he cares about is partying and having fun.Victor has no loyalty to his lover as he will drop him for another man who is more established.


Agreed! I was actually cringing when he walked in there. Helen Keller could have seen what was coming.


This guy is stupid didn't he learn his last lesson from getting his head bashed in when he was hooking? I thought he was smarter than that..oh well serves him right..I'm black and I would drop that bitch at the state line and turn my ass right around.


The thing is he could have gone in there and got his drink and had no trouble, but it was like he was going out of his way to provoke those people when he was warned not to even go in there. He seems like a provocateur who likes provoking people and he thinks they should put up with his crap. Like the guy who wasn't even paying attention to this stupid a-hole dancing with his girlfriend and he pinches his bottom. Then he calls JB sweetheart. What did this addle-brained moron think was going to happen when he behaves like that. And if it's cause this dimbo [dumb + bimbo] can't handle his liquor then the smart thing would be not to drink then, if you have an ounce of survival skills about you.


Honestly not that this show is full of great writing or whatever, but this was particularly cringeworthy.

At first I thought Victor was just looking for a fight and being provocative. I can understand that as a character trait. He's going through a rough patch (just broke up with his boyfriend) and he's not ashamed of who he is, so going into that bar and being all like whatup hillbillies wasn't THAT ridiculous. It turns out he was just stupid.

When he ordered a Martini I was rolling my eyes. It doesn't matter what gender you are or who you like to screw, why would you order a martini from some roadside bar in a middle of nowhere town. Just order a gin? Then when he got upset it wasn't in a Martini glass (WHY WOULD THAT MATTER, WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS SUCH AN ISSUE).

Then when he said to Shelby "if you had a Penis" (after he just spent 20 god damn minutes last episode explaining he was bi) I was like okay, he's trying to provoke them. Then he lectured her on using the word fag and I was back to thinking, no, he's just dumb.

Everything he did in that bar was so unbelievably stupid, but let's talk about the car ride into town this episode. He was acting like he was having a manic episode. He went from rage to calm so quickly multiple times.

"Maybe I'll get a drink"

"I don't thnk that's a great idea Victor"


"Uh cause you're pretty".

"Aw thank you. I guess I'll stay in the motel unless I can stay with your family."

"I don't think that's a good idea."


"Um b/c I screwed the president and haven't seen them for ages, it's gonna be real awkward??"

"Oh yeah cool I get it no worries".

Holy *beep* if this show wasn't so poorly written I would say that victor killed the president and they're setting him up to be a complete psychopath. Unfortunately it's just a result of horrible, horrible storytelling and not great acting.


The whole scene with Victor reminded me of a scene from the old James Bond movie, "Live and Let Die." Bond is supposed to be so smart but he just came off as dumb. He goes into Harlem to this nighclub called The Filet Of Soul and there's not one white face in the joint. He orders a martini and adds, "In a clean glass," and the bartender replies, "Oh, that'll be extra." And no surprise he ends up in the hands of the bad guys.

I still love the movie, but I can't help ranting during that scene, "You freaking moron." Roger Moore's James Bond was more of a dumb blonde more interest in saying witty lines and that was in perpetual heat for anything in a skirt. That he beats the villains was pure luck.


That's Tyler Perry for ya!!


And he definitely didn't learn his lesson because he flirted with Brody!!


Thats the part that put me over the edge just now, i had to pause it and come here to read of anyone was also super annoyed with how the writers made this guy. I mean it was super cringey in the bar, but when he just woke up from having his lungs collapsed (cause he grabbed and flirted with some good ol' boys) there he is, again, acting slutty to another hetero redneck. IT was SOOO cringey i had to get up and walk around and regain my composure. you know, one of those "wtf, ew! *beep* stop talking!! who approved this script? and do they not hear how ridiculous it sounds?" I think this guy is making gay guys look bad. this guy is acting like a super gay perv that cant even lay in a bed half dead without talking like a slut to every big built guy in sight.


Emlaster, that's exactly why I don't watch TP tv shows. The writing is so extreme that it's unbelievable! I took a chance on Close to Home because the previews were interesting but I'm starting to lose interest with these new characters.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.....
