what's the word on S2?

is this happening and if so, when? Did S1 get strong enough response to allow an S2 to get greenlit (or is it word "greenlighted"?).

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s2 is coming late 2016


it makes that noise because you left the parking brake on.


Yep, as damonsmiller said, we got a confirmation that Season 2 is happening and that it will be airing on Netflix sometime late 2016. I took that to mean November/December, myself.

We're not playing Yellow Car.--Martin
You're always playing Yellow Car.--Arthur


I am beyond pleasantly surprised. I am impressed. They are doing a really good job with this here show.

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The new season premiere January 20th

"For centuries, only dragons have stood on equal ground with tigers. So I'll become a dragon..."


Watching S2 now. The intended goofiness of Ep.2 is a little heavy-handed. Hoping the tone shifts. I'm hopeful to find out about all the original paladins this season, though i am guessing Zarkon probably betrayed and destroyed them all.

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