20 min in...

Had to turn it off. Crap. I grew up with the original Voltron. A truly iconic series. I used to run home every day to watch it. This just makes me sad that they bastardized it this bad. RIP Voltron.


Sounds like your nostalgia glasses are firmly on there. Go back and watch the original series again, you'll probably find it's not as good as you remembered.


The current Legendary Defender series may not be perfect (May this show's iteration of Coran burn in a fire that scorches with the heat of a thousand suns!), but in comparison to the original 1984 series, it's a masterwork.

In the interest of full disclosure, allow me to say that I'm 30 years old and was introduced to Voltron through the short-lived CGI series Voltron: The Third Dimension, from the late 1990's. My first glimpse of the original 1984 show came from a VHS tape found in my local rental store, and I liked it enough to pick it up on DVD a few years afterwards.

With the benefit of hindsight, I've come to realize that the original Voltron anime dub has aged as horrendously as most shows of its time. I've been watching it in chunks over the last several years because I can only stand so much per viewing. At last check, I'd started the Vehicle Voltron portion of the series.

We all have our problems, some just hide it better.


Yeah cause 20 minutes is long enough time to tell anything. Hmmm.

I watched the original series in the 80's as well, and have gone back to re-watch it as well as check out the other reboots. This one stands very well on its own and deserves a second chance.


I had the SAME feelings in the first episode. Go back. Watch this series. You will love it and this is coming from a HUGE fan of the original series. Yes - there are changes but they WORK.
