OMG! (Spoiler)

I have been waiting forever to see if Prince Lotor would show up in this incarnation of Voltron. Season 3 baby! They finally mentioned him in the final episode of Season 2. With Shiro missing I'm wondering if Princess Allura might wind up piloting the black lion. Interesting to see that Hagar is Altean. I'm curious about her reasons for supporting the original black paladin in his conquest.


It's beginning to seem more like it's taking cues from the comics where the Galra are a multiverse-spanning race that basically "assimilates" other races. So you get Altean Galra like Haggar and human Galra like Keith. With Slav talking about other realities (even though it's only jokingly for now), it seems likely that that will be the case.


I believe by the end of the first few episodes of season 3 Shiro will be found. Where we are in the series, the mythos of the series, and everything we have been through from the ending of season 1 through season 2 I will be pissed if they just drop Shiro. Paladins and lions bond with each other so you can't just jump into a lion or change lions. So Keith taking over the black lion doesn't make sense since he is bonded with the red lion. Allura taking over the black lion feels forced as hell and leaves the issue of she is the one who powers the wormholes. Without her they only have enough power for a single jump plus powering the worm holes taxes her so her jumping from a battle straight to powering the worm holes doesn't make sense. I think they missed the boat back in season 1 if they wanted Allura to pilot a lion. Back in the original 80's cartoon Shiro/Sven was only there for a few episodes before he was killed/too injured to pilot the lion so Allura needed to step up to pilot a lion. If they were going to kill/remove any of the pilots my vote is for Lance. He has by far the least to no character development, at least Hunk had an arc during the Balmarra episodes, so if you have to get rid of somebody get rid of him. That way Allura can become the blue lion pilot like the original.


Agree 100% with you on this. They missed the boat w/ Allura on piloting one of the lions. This series is already so different from the original there is no need to try to force that part of the story into place. I love her new role in piloting the castle and she's pretty badass this time around. It wouldn't make sense putting her into a lion because the castle and what it does is such a huge part of the show now. Before the castle was just home for them. Lance is one character they need to make less 1D. In the original he was kinda goofy and liked the pretty ladies but he was also a skeptic and pretty savvy. You knew he was smart underneath that image. They need to bring that part of him back. The other ones are getting so well fleshed out and now they need to tackle Lance.

I do hope Lotor isn't the kind of character from the original series. He needs to be a different interpretation rather than just wanting Allura as his bride. He needs to be a complex villain or an anti-hero guy. Maybe one who is one the side of Voltron. I think Shiro will be back. He is such a cool character and you cannot really compare this Shiro to the Sven of GoLion/Voltron. That one was just a quiet guy. Shiro now is really cool and even though I was super skeptical about him taking the black lion from Keith I am totally on board.


There were hints along the season that Shiro would one day be gone and Keith would take over. Looks like we'll see that happen in the next season. Keith will pilot the black lion, Lance will move to the red and Allura will probably go to the blue lion, just like in the original.

Victims, aren't we all?


I do find it interesting that if you look at the original animation and based on the races they have introduced in this version, the original Lotor would certainly fall in line as Altean.


Form....BLAZING SWORD,enough said


it makes that noise because you left the parking brake on.


I wonder if that character that they met in the worms stomach was prince lotar.


Yes! I really do think that character in the worm was Lotor. Definitely. There has to be a reason we never got to see his face. He acted with honor (Lotor was a weird character like that in some ways). Without a doubt I think that is who it was.


Which episode was that?


Nah i think Keith will end the up piloting the black llion. It was indicated in an earlier episode when he actually did it.


Shiro hasn't grown on me, but Keith as a red lion pilot definitely has. So if Shiro doesn't return, I'm hopeful Allura will pilot the black lion.
