Ending Explanation

I am a bit confused with the ending due to the fact that I'm having trouble believing what was real and what isn't. So Nora was being told to torment Jane by her father who blamed Jane for his child's self inflicted wounds? Afterwards, made Jane go crazy by playing games with her and drugging her. Then she ends up in the hospital being blamed for the death of her boyfriend only to escape and be kidnapped and drugged again by Alex. So then the end shows you his face being ripped off and mutilated. So did she do it? Did he do it? Any analysis would be helpful.



Alex was pissed off at Jane because his little "let's rape my daughter" game was ruined. Someone had been raping Nora her whole life but she couldn't remember who. I'm guessing she was repressing the memories because they were so traumatizing. Jane pushed her to remember and to confront him. Nora realized it was her father, Alex, who had been raping her and went to confront him. He tried raping her again and she slashed his face to ribbons. Then Nora goes to Jane's house and harms herself and attacks Jane because Jane's pushing her to confront her rapist didn't work. So Nora ends up in a psych hospital because of the attack. Alex eventually stops paying for Nora's medical bills and she's discharged from the hospital but I think she's pretty doped up on drugs and possibly Alex is drugging her as well. He uses her to make Jane think that Nora is stalking her and going to attack her again. Alex drugged Jane and she hallucinated that her boyfriend was actually Nora and so she stabbed him.
I don't think Jane was drugged by Alex after she escaped the hospital. He tasered her and then when she woke up he had her tied up.
Jane ripped Alex's face off when she was dangling over the edge of the roof. I guess he then went back inside and died from blood loss. He had the wound in his throat in addition to bleeding from where the face transplant was ripped off.
The psychiatrist says that Nora was found hung before Jane attacked her boyfriend because she was hallucinating that he was Nora. Alex might have hung Nora and made it look like suicide because he was angry that they no longer had a "perfect love" after Nora had therapy with Jane and realized her father was raping her. Or Nora might have hung herself because Alex was probably raping her again after she got out of the hospital and she could no longer suppress the memories and was unable to live with it.



I'm not sure about that either. Another completely different explanation that I saw was that Jane was hallucinating all along and Alex was just an innocent patient that was looking for help and she killed him when he came there for a session. Hence why he was sitting on the couch. I don't really like that explanation because I'm not a fan of "the protagonist was hallucinating the whole time" movies.



Him dying on the couch was a bit irony as he came to her pretending to be a patient and was clearly damaged himself. His monstrous "face" really represented who he was in a sense.

-"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense." -Steve Landesberg


Him dying on the couch was a bit of irony as he came to her pretending to be a patient and was clearly damaged himself. His monstrous "face" really represented who he was in a sense. He ultimately ended up on her couch and was, indeed, a monster.

-"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense." -Steve Landesberg


This helped make sense of it for me. Thanks!


