Saddest Line of the Movie

When Ralph starts belting out Candy girl and one of the guys says, "um, ya got any parts for us"...made me sad


I agree, that stood out to me as well.

I also thought it was sad when the mother's fired Brooke Payne after he pleaded with how much he was taking care of the boys and how he refused to let his sister pull her son out of the group. Shows how much he really believed in the boys.


I thought the saddest was they all reluctantly voted bobby out of the group.


Bobby needed a reality check he thought all that crazy behavior was normal so I would have done the same exact thing.


I thought the saddest was they all reluctantly voted bobby out of the group.

I agree. This and Ricky's rehab scene were the saddest parts of the film. My heart especially broke when that single tear fell down Ricky's face when they had to vote Bobby out. It was also heartbreaking when Ricky told his wife that they were losing everything and singing was the only thing he knew how to do. Come to think of it, Ricky had some of the saddest scenes in the movie.




I think Ricky had the saddest scenes mainly because he was the strongest actor. He really made you feel all the emotions. I think the others were good too, but it was pretty clear that Elijah was the more experienced actor.


No when Ralph tells Ronnie he lost the baby I BALL


Saddest part was Ralph and sister making Christmas out of nothing for their mom.


I agree. That was heartbreaking. A child should never have to provide for his family, but that moment was touching.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


Another sad part, when the boys were posing for the Candy Girl picture with girl in white dress. The photographer all but pushed the singers (except Ralph and Bivins) aside and so they wouldn't smile, so the photographer said, "smile, ok ...don't smile!" (like he was saying don't smile if you don't want to)
How insensitive!


Yeah I hated that scene also, that was so wrong of the photographer.


When Maurice Starr was at Ralph's house sitting at the table then asks Ralph to call him when he had makes a decision regarding the Streetwise Record contact offer and Ralph answered back that he didn't have a house phone. That stuck home with me because my family didn't get a house phone until around 1984. When growing up poor even the most common things that most people have is considered to be a luxury item in the projects...

PEACE (People Educating And Creating Equality)


Yeah that was sad. Even more sad, I don't think Patricia Tresvant got to enjoy life out the projects that long before she got sick and passed back in 1996 at only 45
