Tim & Beryl moving in

How could they move into 10 Rillington Place without meeting Christie until a little while after? In the film they went to discuss renting the rooms on the top floor with Christie prior to moving in! But in this version, Christie walks upstairs & introduces himself to them after they move in!


He didn't own the building, if I recall correctly from my memory of the case, so the Evans couple must have dealt with the landlord before moving in.


Why did Christie come up and give the couple ground rules if he didn't own the gaff? I would have told him to jog on.


Yes, exactly! In the film, the Evans' discussed the terms of renting there with Christie in detail before they moved in! I understood that Christie rented the house but sub let the rooms on the top floor for some income.


No. Christie didn't rent the house, only his rooms, with rights to the garden.



Evans wasn't the smartest person in the world he even swelled Christie's guff about being medically trained


That's because he was a pompous meddling person.


If Christie sublet, then what he did was illegal.


Subletting was the least of Christie's crimes.



I know that
