Black woman speaking about her son

Am I the only one who thought the black woman was perhaps "over acting" when discussing her sons story, it may have been genuine tears but it seemed way over the top to me, anyone else have an opinion?


It never crossed my mind that she was being less than sincere.



thought the black woman was perhaps "over acting" when discussing her sons story

By claiming she was overacting, you are also claiming that she was acting. Did you not see her autistic son sitting right beside her? Who the *beep* are you to judge the veracity of a woman who's son has been forever crippled? You are a disgusting person.


I think unless you film people without their knowledge there will be some acting involved.


I think that's a cynical generalisation. I believe the majority of people are sincere.


I think people act differently in front of a camera, doesn't necessarily have to be a conscious decision. And if the director gives them pointers how to bring their point/view/opinion across better, I think that's what people will do.


if the director gives them pointers how to bring their point/view/opinion across better

Are you claiming this is the case here? It sure reads like it. You appear to be using the tactics of a sleazy lobbyist.


Why else would you need a director? Just sent a kid with a camera over to record the statements. Not sure who or what you think I am a lobbyist for but feel free to tell me so I can give them a call that they should pay me.


If you send out requests for stories, you'll get back perhaps hundreds or thousands of replies. You select the most dramatic twenty to fifty of these, and make contact with them over the phone. You maybe interview half a dozen, and end up showing one.

Doesn't take much to find someone who will say exactly what you want them to say, exactly how you want them to say it - and they'll believe it 100%. Everyone wins.

It's simply statistics and probability. Science, if you will.

Within a week I could have impassioned video from people who 100% believe that the Earth is flat, the moon landing never happened, America should be segregated... by weight, and so on. They won't be lying, but they'll be wrong.
