Dangerous, Disgusting Propaganda

This isn't Reefer Madness territory. These pretentious, smug, pompous attitudes will *beep* kill your children. Doctors aren't evil. Vaccines aren't harmful. People who lived 50+ years ago would have killed to protect their kids from measles and polio and this audience takes this for granted because of chemicalphobia and one report by a quack who had his license revoked, that has been proven wrong hundreds of times.

I hate that there was an audience for this. I hate that this "film" as a 6.9 rating. If you would rather have your kid die from a preventable disease because you don't understand how medicine works and you think juniper berries and honey will cure your smallpox, don't have kids.



Yeah. I guess the only positive is that the only people who will most likely pay to see it are the already converted who live in an echo chamber.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. πŸ”₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”₯


And the poor people who give in to spouses, friends or relatives who tell them they absolutely have to see it.


You disappoint me.


I feel bad for people who have to watch crappy movies, what can I do.


I'm trying to figure out how to see your movie ratings so I can hassle you about them but I guess I'm not savvy enough to figure that out. Lucky for you!!!!


You think people who question vaccines are in an echo chamber? hahahahahahahah are you serious?


Where else would one hear stories about vaccines injected into the bloodstream and the dangerous heavy metal aluminium.


Apparently not you...


I don't go to places where people talk about the heavy metal aluminium, that is right.


Are you denying that vaccines contain aluminum? It really reads like you are, which would mean that you are too ignorant about vaccines to have a valid opinion.


Do yo think aluminium is a heavy metal?


Answer the question. Do vaccines contain aluminum?


Sure. Is aluminium a heavy metal?



I answered the question. Yes they contain aluminium. But saying it is a heavy metal shows that the people discussing it know absolutely nothing about chemistry (or biology or probably anything) and just buy into some fear-mongering because heavy metal (like lead, cadmium, plutonium) just sounds soo much more dangerous than light metal. It fits with the other "arguments" that are not based on any facts but purely on big (misunderstood) words that are supposed to scare people.
And why the personal attacks? Because you have nothing else to say? Probably not because you know nothing.
And cracking jokes at idiots who believe every bit of BS they can find on the internet is morally bankrupt? I don't think so. And children are maimed and die due to diseaes, diseases that can be prevented by vaccines, so who is morally bankrupt and wants to kill children?


saying it is a heavy metal shows that the people discussing it know absolutely nothing about chemistry

Again the creep spouts irrelevancies. At no point did I say it was a heavy metal.

Because you have nothing else to say?

The creep is feebly attempting to ignore that he is a shill for corporations that needlessly inject mercury and aluminum into infants' bodies purely for profit. He makes the feeble claim that vaccines prevent disease so therefore it is a good idea to inject known neurotoxins into infants.

The creep claims to be an expert on vaccines yet does not know that the flu shot gives people the flu but has never protected them from influenza strains that are in the wild. The creep does not know that Gardasil does not protect people from cancer despite sleazy claims that it does. In fact Gardasil can only protect against a couple out of hundreds of strains of HPV.


I said this is something people hear in their echo chambers, together with stories about how DNA from vaccines makes children gay and/or transgender. And I don't think it is irrelevant that people form opinions without knowing or understanding anything.
Your posts would be a lot shorter if you could concentrate on facts instead of fairly tales and personal attacks.


stories about how DNA from vaccines makes children gay and/or transgender.

The creep is feebly attempting to compare objections to putting neurotoxins in vaccines to completely fantastic nonsense. The creep thinks you are so stupid that this tactic works on you.

The creep is implying that pointing out that vaccines contain neurotoxins are "fairy tales".


So you think every chemical that has neurotoxic properties at a certain concentration has neurotoxic properties at every concentration? So if a study finds let's say that 10 mg are neurotoxic that means also 10 ng are neurotoxic in your opinion? And the aluminium in vaccines is for some reason worse than the aluminium we take up with our food at much higher doses? Why?


I am finished wasting my time on this creep.

Anyone who wants to actually learn something other than bull$hit from corporate criminals should read up on what vaccine adjuvants are and how the creeps use them to save money at the expense of your health.


Does that mean you will stop insulting me? Sounds great.


Jesus. Can't you make your point without being such a dick?

The dick makes his point in a way that creates the sense that he is in front of an audience, who are all laughing at the other person.

This makes the dick feel powerful and relevant, in spite of the fact that he is a dick arguing about a social issue on a movie website.

The dick reiterates points that have been made thousands of times on this board, in the most condescending, dickish way possible.


arguing about a social issue

How is injecting neurotoxins into infants a "social issue"? It's a matter of life and death.
on a movie website

I'll continue to refute lies and spread the truth, no matter where, if it preserves lives.
The dick reiterates points that have been made thousands of times on this board

That's BS, but even if it was true, the truth needs to be shouted over the lies.
in the most condescending, dickish way possible

I really don't give a $hit whether you think I'm a dick or not. If you want to feel all butthurt because I'm calling a creep a creep, fine. If you're one of those creeps, then I hope you're as butthurt as possible.

How would you feel if a relative of yours had his/her life destroyed along with the quality of life of everyone around him/her, while a bunch of creeps shrug their shoulders and call him/her just another statistic, necessary for "the greater good", while they pocket billions of dollars?


At a high enough dose pretty much everything becomes a (neuro)toxin; aluminium can be found in breastmilk, infant formula, there really is not a lot you can do or eat when you want to avoid everything that can become toxic at a high enough concentration.
How I would feel would probably depend if this was even vaccine related or just somebody claiming (as in most cases) that it is vaccine related.


I hear those stories from mothers every day. To deny them to question why is so sad and irresponsible and narrow minded. I felt the most remarkable evidence of why we need to at least question the safety came from the mothers.



Have you watched this film?

Vaxxed is neither anti-vaccine nor anti-doctor so your claim that it will "kill your children" is trollish nonsense.

Answer my question. Have you watched Vaxxed?


"I can't BELIEEEEEVE you're such a geese!"


Have you learned about how vaccines actually work?
Answer my question.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. πŸ”₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”₯


Yes, I do know how vaccines work but my personal knowledge of vaccination practices - as well as your own - is irrelevant to the questions raised by Vaxxed.

Have you watched this film? If not, you have no business on this board.

Have you watched it? Yes or no?


"I can't BELIEEEEEVE you're such a geese!"



What proven poisons?


What proven poisons?

Are you really that ignorant of the ingredients of vaccines that you don't know what poisons they contain? If so, you really need to STFU and stop pretending your opinions on vaccines are worth anything.


I know what ingredients they contain but it is difficult to predict which ingredient anti-vaxxers will choose to say it is absolutely poisonous, makes people autistic or gay or transgender....



A small number of vaccines (multidose vaccines) contain thiomersal which is an organomercury compound. This doesnt concern most vaccines, including the ones people usually claim to cause autism (because of mercury). In fact thiomersal was reduced, autism is rising, kinda difficult to follow the reasoning.
Pretty much everything has a toxic dose, that doesn't mean everything is toxic at every dose. Table salt has a LD50 of 3000 mg/kg, caffeine has a LD50 of 192 mg/kg so even salt and coffee will kill you eventually, all a question of dose. Thiomersal realeases ethylmercury which, unlike methylmercury that is found in fish, is cleared much better and actively from the body and does not accumulate. They have been studies done on this of course but citing them would make no sense since you won't believe them anyway.

Do you know that name calling makes you look like an idiot?


In fact thiomersal was reduced, autism is rising, kinda difficult to follow the reasoning.

The creep is lying. He is referring to one study which actually shows the opposite of his claim.

At least the creep is not spreading the formerly quite common lie that mercury has been removed from vaccines. The creep does however go on to spout a lot of BS about LD50 and other outright lies in a feeble attempt to distract people from the simple fact that the body has no use for mercury and also that there is no need for mercury to be in any vaccine at all! It's only there for corporate profits. Yet the creep continues to shill for corporations that put profits above the health and lives of our children.

ethylmercury which, unlike methylmercury that is found in fish, is cleared much better and actively from the body and does not accumulate.

The creep is making unfounded claims. The simple fact is the effects of mercury on the body have not been studied anywhere near adequately considering it is a known potent neurotoxin.

Do you know that name calling makes you look like an idiot?

The creep thinks I give a $hit what creeps like him think of me. I wear their disdain like a badge of honour.


The study you talk about shows what? That there is more thiomersal or that autism rates are sinking?
Thiomersal is used as a preservative (and not only in vaccines), it is not just added for fun. Which vaccine causes autism in your opinion? Does it contain thiomersal?
What is your problem with LD50 values? Can you explain this further and also where I lied?
So you think ethelmercury and methylmercury are cleared at the same rate? Or ethylmercury maybe even worse? Can you show me anything that supports this claim?
You really haven't proven anything yet and just continue with personal attacks but if that makes you happy and is the only thing you are capable of doing, please go on.


Thiomersal is used as a preservative

Again the creep is pushing the LIE that there is a valid reason to put mercury in vaccines. Not only are there much safer preservatives in use, but if the vaccines were packaged properly they would need far less preservative to begin with.

Also notice how the creep won't even use the word "mercury" unless forced to.


I also wouldn't use the term chlorine to describe my table salt. That you want to use imprecise language to create fear is your business.


The creep claims that mercury is used in vaccines as a preservative. The mercury must be bioactive to work as a preservative. If the mercury is bioactive in the vaccine then of course it will be bioactive in the body, despite the creeps laughable attempt to claim otherwise.


Unlike a bottle with vaccine solution the body can flush things out.


The creep is still pushing the LIE that mercury does not bio-accumulate.


You do realise that mercury, methylmercury and ethylmercury are not the same thing and behave differently?


Yeah and the ethylmercury in the vaccines is the kind that's most likely to get into the brain and form deposits which aren't easily mobilized. It's the most symptomatic kind across the board and when this was being put into the vaccines, speciation testing to see what it was doing in the body, didn't even exist. They didn't care. Anything they say now looks like obvious damage control. "It can't get into the brain" becomes "Okay it can get into the brain but it improves behavior".


Mercury is cleared faster from the body after ethylmercury exposure compared to methylmercury, using methylmercury as a reference will overestimate the total amount of mercury in the brain.


the dick likes to call people the creep.
It helps his ADHD as he cannot directly respond to people. He needs an imaginary ethereal audience.
You tolerated SO MUCH CRAP there and I commend you.


That you want to use imprecise language to create fear is your business.

LD50 means the dose at which 50% of subjects die. Why only 50%? Why not 100%? Well, people have different sensitivities. This goes for everything, particularly with mercury which could never have even been studied this way until recently, and unless you're a communist, you have to recognize that people are individuals not groups, and should be treated as such. You're talking about using vaccines to save lives and in the same breath, talking about not killing half of em as your toxicity threshold. I guess a little collateral damage is no big deal when public health only sees people as statistics. It's all a risk-benefit calculation right? Table salt is a nutrient. Like most nutrients, it has a "U" shaped dose-response curve. Too much is bad, but also too little is bad. And too much happens to be so much that it would take extreme effort to overdose. Mercury is not a nutrient. It has a linear dose-response curve and is highly toxic even in very small amounts. You're crying out in all directions trying to mislead people.


Aspirin also has an LD50 value and is not a nutrient. That too much aspirin will kill you does not not mean that aspirin at any dose will kill you or will be toxic. If you cannot use anything that has a LD50 value you can use nothing.
And overdosing on vaccines is easy?


Comparing abortions to vaccines is like comparing puppies to a giant flaming meteor hurling its way to earth. Or asking someone, "would you rather eat this delicious pastry...or get punched in the mouth by a total stranger?"

It's not only an invalid comparison, it makes no sense.


It does make sense....in a round about way.
The court can rule that abortions are legal or illegal.
And also when they become illegal.
Women and pro-choice people insist it is the right of the woman to make that decision - WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE.

Vaccines, when mandated by law (as in California without the need for parents to be informed) becomes something that is done to a young man or woman who at a vulnerable age can be coerced into going with the herd.

Like abortion, vaccination is a "medical procedure" that should be up to the parents as to what is injected and when it is injected - not determined by some govt agency hack.


Abortion ist not a public health risk.


It is a Medical Procedure.


But not a public health risk. When you have Ebola you will be quarantined whether you want that or not.
And the young man or woman can also be coerced and brainwashed by their parents who think the kid will catch homosexuality or autism or god knows what from vaccines...


As far as I know Ebola has no vaccine.
Ebola is highly contagious
--and WITH a more that 70% ++ rate of death when contracted.

Yet people have refused to be quarantined.

When schools give Gardasil en masse, parents do NOT have to be notified when or if their child has been vaccinated.

That to me is an ergregious outrage.


What male infant circumcision? The foreskin causes AIDS according to all the world's health authorities. The WHO even describes male infant circumcision as a vaccination, with no anatomical reference.
