MovieChat Forums > This Is Us (2016) Discussion > Episode 2 and the show so far

Episode 2 and the show so far

Let me start by saying that I really liked episode one. I thought it was one of the best pilots I have seen in a long time. The twist at the end caught me by surprise. Its the first time in I don't even remember how long that I was surprised by a TV show. And then it all came crumbling down in episode 2. I thought that it was not even on par with the first episode, and what really upset me was the ending. But even before that when you find out that the brothers have a stained relationship really bothered me. Maybe they had problems when they were children but I find it hard to believe that they don't have a good relationship now especially with how much effort Randell is putting in with his biological father. Now on to the ending, I can't believe that Miguel would marry his best friends wife after his friends death supposedly. That is BS. He was shown to be a good friend and good person then he goes and marry's his best friend's wife after his death, why? Maybe he was trying to sabotage his best friend's relationship all along, and he called him later because he felt guilty. I was a big fan of Milo's on Heroes and I have liked him in a lot of things he did. That is why I watched the first episode but i'm so disappointed with the second episode that I will stop watching this show. It had such amazing potential its sad it couldn't even sustain it for another episode. But after the surprising ending at the end of episode one I had a feeling it would come crumbling down to earth in episode two I just didn't realize how badly.


I don't know how old you are, but I promise you move along in life, a person marrying someone that they and their spouse knew prior to the spouse dying is not all that uncommon.


I think you're being a little harsh and rushing to judgement. Let it settle in for a few episodes.
And the scenario of the best friend marrying the wife of their friend who has passed away is not that unheard of. Sometimes geriving with someone and looking out for someone after a loved one died can bring those people close together. I can think of two examples I've known personally.


I actually thought the ending was once again good. It was another surprise. This show hits home with how life really is.


Who says he passed away? We'll probably find out sometime during the series whether he died or they ended up divorcing, which would make more sense, given his drinking.
