Old Rebecca/Miguel

They should've just used new actors instead of using makeup on Mandy Moore and Jon Huertas.


I thought so too


Yeah I'd thought for a moment it was Diane Keaton & Joe Mantegna (or Emilio Delgado*...aka
'Luis' from Sesame Street) or something, until I realized it was just Mandy Moore and Jon Huertas aged '30+ years' or so.

(*Actually they should've cast him as 'old Miguel' because after HBO took over and restructured Sesame Street, apparently after probably over 40 years with the show, Emilio Delgado is unemployed. No doubt he's likely enjoying a 'retirement' of sorts at the moment, still aging actors usually appreciate roles whenever they can get them.)


LOL, Emilio Delgado is not unemployed...he was just on "The Get Down" and "House of Cards." ;-)


Good for him then, good for him. 

(I just couldn't believe when he, 'Bob' McGrath, & Roscoe Orman aka 'Gordon', were all fired or forced to 'retire' after 40+ years on Sesame Street. Although, admittedly that long of a career in any field, especially on a long running TV show, is a feat in & of itself today.)


Agreed. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about this.


I think an issue is that at least for Jon it looks like they used cgi and it gave him an uncanny Valley look.


This. Creepy...


Mandy Moore looks like she's done up for an SNL skit.


From the 3 seconds that we saw of them, I thought they looked fine.

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."


same here. I don't get why everyone else is making such a big deal about it.


I agree. I thought they looked quite good, actually.


I actually thought Mandy Moore and the actor playing Miguel looked fine. Considering Mandy Moore is a regular on the series, and Rebecca is still alive, I can deal with her being aged 30+ years. We also know the show is primarily focused on adult Kevin, Kate, and Randall with flashback scenes of Jack, Rebecca (and the kids) through the years. So I have a feeling we won't be seeing a lot of the older versions of Rebecca in the episodes. JMO


I thought they looked fine too and am also glad they used the same actors.

It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Oh man the old make up is going to be a problem.

I can see why they did it - for another twisty OMG moment but there's no way anyone'a going to buy that those actors are in their 60s or whatever.
