Questions so far.

I am enjoying the show so far. When did it become a law a person could leave a new born at a fire station or a hospital without question? I thought it was more like 1995 when smoking was banned in hospitals. Someone else was guessing 1993.
How common do you think triplets were back then? It didn't seem like they used fertility drugs. If there were fertility drugs back then it wasn't to the degree that there is now.


When did it become a law a person could leave a new born at a fire station or a hospital without question?

Law? Who ever said it was lawful? I am sure he just left the baby and fled.

I thought it was more like 1995 when smoking was banned in hospitals. Someone else was guessing 1993.

Okay, and? The hospital scene on the show was taking place in 1980.

And as for triplets - uncommon does not mean impossible. Of course people had triplets back then.



Ever heard of Safe Haven laws?I am guessing no? It's not LEGAL in all States that if you leave your newborn at a fire station, hospital or place like that you will NOT be prosecuted for abandonment.

And this contradicts what I said... how exactly?
Go and re-read my post.


Yes I know what it is called! My question is when did it start? Thank you purple-Dave.


Man, Nancy - in light of the thousands of horrendous comments you've made to people, you sure do like accusing others of rudeness. And as is often the case with you, you were in such a rush to do so, you omitted a key word, which totally negates your statement.
Go find another show to criticize, and let us enjoy this one, please!


I also thought her admonitions were ironic , but what key word did she omit?


Just re-read it, and the wording spouting the legal aspect of the situation had me confused. I thought she was saying that it's illegal, which in fact it's not.
Sorry, Nancy.


I did reread it before responding to you, but that sentence of hers isn't well-worded, and I can't say I understand what exactly she means to say there.


Actually, I meant that I had re-read it  , and was still a little fuzzy on the wording.

I like to challenge her on calling people out for being rude, which BTW is seldom the case, but since she's got me on ignore, I'm not sure why I bother.


Did Safe Haven laws exist back in the 80's when this storyline existed? I thought leaving a baby on the doorstep of a Fire Station or an orphanage was more like the 1950's, not the 1980's.

Wouldn't someone in the 1980's just turn their baby over to an adoption agency or not bother to pick it up from the hospital?

I don't remember too much of the 80's since I was born in 1987, but leaving a baby with firemen doesn't sound like the 80's. It sounds more like books I have read that took place a couple of decades (or centuries) before that.


At 35 a women starts releasing multiple eggs when ovulating. Think of it as a "going out of business sale." Mandy's character was probably 35 when she conceived the triplets, so not impossible. Still pretty cool and unique at that time.


Ha "Going out of business" sale. That's funny


It's a joke from Parks and Recreation.


Im.glad somone picked up on my parks and recreation reference...just watched the episode where Leslie found out it was triplets.



Texas was the first state to put a Safe Haven law into effect in 1999. All 50 states have them at this point, but in some cases they work a little differently. Some states treat Save Haven abandonment as implicit permission for the child to be adopted by someone else, while others still require birth parents to give permission for adoption. Some allow for anonymous hand-off, while others require parental ID for purposes of medical history, if possible. Some states offer full immunity, while others merely reduce the charges. As of 2013, Alaska was the only state where the Safe Haven law had _not_ been used, but they still had instances of child abandonment resulting in the death of newborns.

You know what noone tells you about cooking with the Dark Side? The food is really good!
