MovieChat Forums > This Is Us (2016) Discussion > My theory about jack (spoilers)

My theory about jack (spoilers)

So we saw Miguel and Rebecca at the end of this past weeks episode. Now remember Miguel was jack's best friend, and when he was telling jack how he's lucky to have landed her, and then seeing the ending and how they are together, kind of makes me think he could have had a crush on her back then.
With that being said I feel like Jack could not be dead and maybe he just couldn't stop drinking and Rebecca left him, and durning that time Miguel was there helping her out cause Jack was drinking and after she left him they fell in love. And jack could be alive and just an alcoholic or maybe he is homeless and no where to be found. Or maybe he died from liver failure from all the drinking. I mean the writers made it a point to point out jack was drinking a lot and even his best friend was telling him, it's like a hint in my opinion of a potential on going battle for him. I just thought I'd throw my theory out there, not sure if anyone else has had the same theory, I'm just basing it off the fact that the writers like surprising us with these endings.


Well, if Jack is still alive and they divorced due to his drinking, then Rebecca wouldn't continue to wear the necklace. It is just a constant reminder of her failed marriage.
However, if Jack died, then it makes perfect sense. He might've had liver failure, as you mentioned. Maybe he was driving and driving, maybe he got hit by a drunk driver, or maybe he just died randomly.

Whatever it is, I'm 100% he's dead. I just hope the writers don't throw in a random curveball in the hopes of fooling the viewers once again.


I think the drinking is foreshadowing that he will die in a drunkin car accident,

Miguel clearly liked her by then, I think that was the point of showing him leave Jack that voicemail apologizing.


Jack died. His adopted son tells his bio dad in the first episode.
