MovieChat Forums > Maya & Marty (2016) Discussion > This show feels OLD, and thats not a com...

This show feels OLD, and thats not a compliment.

Just watched the first episode and… I’m just shocked at how bad and boring it was. I’m a huge fan of Martin Short and I think Maya is very talented (That girl can sing!), but when it comes to comedy, oh boy, this show feels so old and out of date! This project seems so misguided. If they where really trying to make something interesting and new, why not do a comedy show on the internet, on YouTube? Where you can actually curse and be a little edgy, you know, just the way people talk in real life. How’s that for a bombshell!

Maya and Marty are now releasing whole sketches on YouTube, to bring viewers back to TV.
Are these people high? What old people don’t get is that young people don’t watch TV anymore; they watch YouTube! That’s what made Key and Peele world wide famous, because everyone has YouTube, and everyone is watching it, all the time! So why would they make a show for TV, then use YouTube to lure viewers over to TV??? When everyone from age 10 till 25-30 is on YouTube. It makes no sense! Why not just releasing it on YouTube!

TV is a dying format. Not choosing when you want to watch something is an old, out of date, idea.


Oh goodness....

Why do you assume everything must be targeted to folks under 30?

Rudolph is 43, Short is 66, they're not trying to capture the 20-something market. The show feels old to you because it IS aimed at older folks. They're targeting middle aged and senior folks with their 2016 version of the variety shows that were all over television in decades past.

And what the heck is wrong with putting some stuff up on YouTube? Isn't the whole point of YouTube that it can be whatever anyone wants it to be based on what they choose to watch?

Folks over 30 may not be glued to YouTube for all of their viewing but they know what the heck YouTube is. They watch it sometimes, just not all of the time. Maybe just maybe the stuff they posted on YouTube isn't up there to attract YOU to the show. Maybe it's for a different demographic than yours. Did you even consider that not everything posted on YouTube has YOU in mind. Just because you are under 30 it doesn't make you the center of the entire universe. Some things are for other people...

And as for the idea of watching shows when you want to instead of when they are aired, of course that's great. Most everybody likes that regardless of their age group. I was busy last night, I watched Maya and Marty today on Hulu, taaaa daaaa.

Do you really think YouTube invented time-shifting television? Ha! Before any of this streaming business became so prevalent folks all over the place recorded shows on their VCR's fairly regularly and watched them when they wanted to. The convenience of streaming wasn't available but programming a VCR was dang easy to do. So, your idea that folks over 30 are watching everything as it airs all of the time is a naive youthful opinion that is not based on reality. That's just your illusion of what you imagine folks over 30 were doing.

Sure, streaming on demand is definitely easier than the old VCR era but the idea is the same: watching shows when you want to as opposed to watching when they are aired. Your generation didn't invent the idea.

Come off your high horse there silly Millennial. Not everything out there is for you or about you. Some folks born before you are still alive and they get to have things too. It's a big world, you are not the center of it kid.


Okay… obviously touched a soft spot there… my point is, the show sucks! Do you agree or not?

By the way, how can I take “Millennial” as an insult?


I'm a Gen X and I personally have absolutely nothing against Millennials, I do have a nice FU to those that think that just because I don't fall into the under 30 crowd that I am somehow dead, or not entitled to have a program targeted to my demographic. And some of us OVER 30 do use YouTube on a regular basis, daily even. And Maya and Marty are far from the only shows streaming extended clips on YouTube; Ellen does it all the time, as do most if not all of the late night shows, and SNL. It's not a new thing. Television is dying a slow death, some shows need places like YouTube to survive.

But to get to the point, when it was announced that they were bringing a variety show back to TV, I cringed. Variety shows haven't worked since Carol Burnett left the air the first time back in the 70s (loved that show, nothing compares). But she couldn't even successfully bring variety back in the 80s or 90s, and she really tried hard. And she couldn't do it now.

I really wanted to like this show, I DID, but I watched the episode last night (missed the 1st one) and I can honestly say that I would be very shocked if NBC even airs another episode. There was shades of funny, but not enough to sustain an audience in the long term. Does anyone remember Neil Patrick Harris's show earlier this year...? Exactly.


Why do you guys think they are aiming this show at an audience 30+? Because its slow-paced and boring? Like SNL this show is totally aimed at 20-30 year olds. They just got seriously misguided and somehow (With the great talent of Martin Short) ended up with nothing. Just because its categorized as a “Variety show”, does not mean you have to be old enough to known the history of variety shows, to get the joke. It’s a sketch show! Nothing original, nothing funny. And that’s the problem! How? Martin short, with a microphone, alone, on a stage, could probably entertain you for and hour just by improvising and being funny. If you have that gift, why throw it away. Why compress your talent into a form that clearly does not work. Why? I know comedy is not mathematical, but if you have the talent of Martin Short, you should be able to tell if something works or not. Now, jiminy click is funny, but that’s it. That’s the whole show.


Actually the key all important demographic for prime time television is 18-49...and someone that states that SNL is only aimed at 20-30 year olds clearly don't know the history of has been on the air since 1975 and has a huge fan base of people much older than 30.


Good points.

SNL is not an "old" show because it re-invents itself.


I agree, some decades better than others though...and has launched the careers of many, many comedians


Still hung up about the age thing?

My guess is that SNL is watched by far more people in the 20-30 age group that the 30-40. SNL is not like any other show, in that it continues to renew itself with new faces. The whole mentality of the show is to not get “old”, so stating that SNL has a lot of fans from the 70`s is a crazy idea. I would love to se the numbers of how many, over the age of 40, knows who Pete Davidson is. By the way, I can’t stand SNL.


Well, considering the content of your misguided reply, I seem to not be the only one hung up on age here. Your entire response was an age driven hypothetical "guess."

The only way that SNL "renews" itself, as you so aptly put it, is adding fresh blood every so often, and staying current to what is going on in the world at a particular time. The same basic formula has been there since the show's inception.

Yes, I too, being over the age of 40 (42 this month in fact) would LOVE to see that poll on whether or not people of my age are aware of the very talented, hilarious Pete Davidson, as well as the rest of the current cast of SNL.

And why are you even arguing about a show that you "can't stand," seems like a counter productive waste of time to me. Unless you just like arguing for the sake of arguing, or hearing you self speak.


This is why older people can't stand Millenials. You have no idea what you are talking about and actually think you do. You think everything is geared towards you. It's not. I'm not sure why you Millenials think this. Previous generations did not (I'm a gen x). Perhaps you're the first to be told you're special for not doing anything and everything has been done for you since birth. Honestly, I don't know what the real reason it is, but it's annoying.


Perhaps you're the first to be told you're special for not doing anything and everything has been done for you since birth.

I've always wondered why my mom used a silver spoon to feed me, now I know.


You think everything is geared towards you. It's not. I'm not sure why you Millenials think this.

They are entitled brats.


They are entitled brats...

...who were raised by...?


This is why older people can't stand Millenials.

I think it's great that you can take time away from ruining the planet to hate on "kids these days".

Previous generations did not (I'm a gen x).

Baby Boomers might disagree with you.


The problem is that in trying to be a variety show, they come off as making fun of variety shows. This 48-year-old hated this show.



Yeah, you touched a soft spot. Your post had a healthy dose of generational attack in it so I responded. It sounded like you had a Logan's Run vibe going on, meaning that everyone over 30 should be dead. And, I didn't mean Millennial as a put-down, I was just identifying you since your original post practically screams "I am an angry Millenial! Old people get off my damn YouTube!" between the lines. Like how old folks chase kids off of their lawn, but reversed. Oh well, moving on:

This week, I waited until I got a chance to see episode 2 before responding to your question about if I think the show sucks or not.

Clearly, this show is simply a summer version of SNL and the 50/50 ratio of good skits to clunkers seems to be in full effect here same as it is on SNL.

So far, I am definitely liking Maya's stuff more than Marty's.

I did a little breakdown of episode 2. I liked: Maya as Beyonce, Maya and Tina's 70s song medley, Oprah loving bread, the Anna Wintour thing and finally Steve and Marty's show closing song. I did not like: the ventriloquism sketch, The Proper Way etiquette thing, the arrogant couples and the Nathan Lane being kidnapped sketch. And finally, I've been sick of Jimminy Glick for a couple of decades already but the Glick sketch with Drake was actually kind of funny to me, I was surprised.

So there you go, I liked HALF of this show and that's about what I expect from sketch comedy.


I'm a Millennial but bravo jimbo. 

I guess I have an old soul.


I'd call it "old school" rather than just old.

Like the tap-dancing segment. It did have a certain "Lawrence Welk Show" feel.

But, for me, in a good way.


First off, the word is compliment. Please learn how to spell.
Secondly, I don't think that they are completely wrong for posting sketches on YouTube, they are rather intelligence about it. SNL, The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon and many other NBC shows have snips that are placed on YouTube also. I don't have cable, I use Hulu to watch shows, that I can't find elsewhere. Marty and Maya are on the right path. I was very pleased, but then again, I liked the old school SNL a lot more than I enjoy today's SNL. Loren Michaels has a good idea of what he is doing, and after keeping SNL on TV as long as he has, I have faith that he will keep this show around as long as Maya and Marty are happy about it.


>>>First off, the word is compliment. Please learn how to spell.
Secondly, I don't think that they are completely wrong for posting sketches on YouTube, they are rather intelligence about it.

First off, if you want to correct other's spelling/typos, watch your own spelling. The word is "intelligent", not intelligence, in the way you used it. smh at another IMdB moron.


Here's the thing about my typo though, mine was made by autocorrect/word prediction on my phone. Your error of "complement" and "compliment" mean two very different things.


>>>Here's the thing about my typo though, mine was made by autocorrect/word prediction on my phone. Your error of "complement" and "compliment" mean two very different things.

Again, please learn how to read. I never made an error/typo of complement/compliment. I think you meant to address that to the OP. And while I understand phones can make mistakes, maybe you should verify/proofread it before you post it. Fact is, you are no better than anybody whom you are trying to correct. and again, I was not the one who spelled complement. so check yourself again.


Compliments for sticking up for me!




Again, please learn how to read. I never made an error/typo of complement/compliment. I think you meant to address that to the OP. And while I understand phones can make mistakes, maybe you should verify/proofread it before you post it. Fact is, you are no better than anybody whom you are trying to correct. and again, I was not the one who spelled complement. so check yourself again.

I like how he never came back. It's sad how people just disappear after they are shown to be wrong about something.


Here's the thing about my typo though, mine was made by autocorrect/word prediction on my phone. Your error of "complement" and "compliment" mean two very different things.

You really going there? Your mistakes are "different"?

Well I took the liberty of pointing out many more of them. I doubt you'll be able to blame auto-correct for all of them, but I'm sure you'll try. 

Btw, I quit halfway through your post b/c there were so many and I got bored.


First off, the word is compliment. Please learn how to spell.

Oh, this will be fun.

they are rather intelligence about it.

I believe the correct word is "intelligent". We're not even 25 words away from when you pointed out a mistake and then you go and make one.

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon

It's actually called "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon". Now you could argue you mean the one "with" Jimmy Fallon, but if that were the case "with" would not be capitalized. So however you want to play this is wrong.

I don't have cable, I use Hulu to watch shows, that I can't find elsewhere.

Now this is just an abortion right here.

"I don't have cable" should be its own sentence. And the second comma should be deleted.

Here's what it should have been...

I don't have cable. I use Hulu to watch shows that I can't find elsewhere.

I'm not even halfway through your rant and I'm already getting bored with all your mistakes. I think I've proven two things.

1. I am very bored today.
2. You shouldn't be so arrogant about pointing out other people's mistakes when you made MANY more.

Anyway, this was fun for a minute. I didn't think you'd have that many mistakes in such a short paragraph though. Especially after the way you started your response. I thought to myself "This guy's post won't have a lot of simple mistakes in it. No way. Not an option. This guy knows his BLEEP so I fully expect his response to be written beautifully." I couldn't have been more wrong.

I'm sure I made a few mistakes in this post, but I only pointed yours out b/c I know you like that game. 


I'm not a guy. I'm a female. And it is clear that you are a low life with nothing better to do than to get online and be an *beep* so I won't take any more of your precious time. 😉


And it is clear that you are a low life with nothing better to do

I like how when you point out other people's mistakes it's okay, but when people point out yours they are "low lives".

I'm a female.

I bet all your cats think you are great.


I don't think people are low lives just because they correct me. It is the way that you have come into this board with nothing to say except to correct the incorrect in EVERYONE post that you've commented on. That is not needed. I understand that it is your right to be an Internet troll, but it doesn't mean that you have to be an Internet troll. I didn't get on here just to correct the original poster. I corrected and then as you said "ranted". What productive thing have you done here?

And my son, not cats, thinks that I'm great. I work full-time and raise a child as a single parent because ignorant and negative people are not welcome in my life.


I don't think people are low lives just because they correct me.

That's odd b/c I did correct you and look how you are acting.

It is the way that you have come into this board with nothing to say except to correct the incorrect in EVERYONE post that you've commented on.


Why don't you scroll through the thread again? I only corrected you (AFTER) you corrected someone else. Apparently you think it's fair game to correct others but if someone returns the favor you label them a low life.

YOUR INITIAL QUOTE: First off, the word is compliment. Please learn how to spell.

If you hadn't been so arrogant about it I would have left it alone. I gave you the exact same courtesy that you gave someone else. If you don't like my behavior then take a look in the mirror b/c I was being you.


Jeezus phuque, I just wanted to know if the show was any good or not you panty waste haggler baby's. And kiss my ass if you don't like my grammer.


Just watched the first episode and… I’m just shocked at how bad and boring it was. I’m a huge fan of Martin Short and I think Maya is very talented (That girl can sing!), but when it comes to comedy, oh boy, this show feels so old and out of date! This project seems so misguided. If they where really trying to make something interesting and new, why not do a comedy show on the internet, on YouTube? Where you can actually curse and be a little edgy, you know, just the way people talk in real life. How’s that for a bombshell!

Believe it or not not everyone likes cursing and edgy material. Some people like clean comedy for themselves or for the family if they want something to watch with their children and grandchildren.



The show is very much old and that's what's so charming about it. Got a nice Prairie Home Companion feel to it.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Old is not a bad thing, and like Jimbo stated, not everything is for unappreciative jaded young people who have only been alive five minutes but have seen it all. Martin Short is a comedic genius who could teach younger comedians a lot, probably has more energy too.

Give it a chance, doing it old school has it's share of fans.

There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?


There's nothing funny about Key and Peele.

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people post, I just watch their avatars.


Why does every thread on IMDb turn into arguments and personal insults? Look, I'm 56 and I like both Maya Rudolph and Martin Short, and I had high hopes for the original Rudolph show, but it just wasn't funny. I was surprised that the fix was to add Short, but again, hopeful, but disappointed so far. I respect that they're trying to resuscitate the variety show, but again, the writing is missing more than hitting. It can't be compared to SNL, but I agree that SNL is struggling, too. I WANT both shows to succeed, but it seems that the pre-recorded skits are funnier than the live segments. I do hope they can even it out and make it work. Plus. Kenan Thompson is being wasted on both shows.


45 and will have to agree to disagree. I thought M&M was a breath of fresh air.
